Baby Power

Baby Power

John Powers & Son

Irish Whiskey


James Power founded his distillery in 1791 at John’s Lane in Dublin. His son, Sir John Power, expanded the business greatly in the 1800’s and alongside John Jameson, established the worldwide reputation of Dublin whiskey.

Powers is a great example of how tradition and craftmanship can meet innovation. While staying true to its traditional style of Irish pot still whiskey, Powers found new ways to bring the best to its customers. Powers was the first whiskey distiller to practice the art of bottling their own whiskey. This was to ensure consistent quality up to that time whiskey was sold in cask to Whiskey Bonders. The distillery bottled brand was called Power’s Gold Label to distinguish it from Powers White label which was the bonders’ brand.

The Distillery was also the first to introduce the miniature bottle, which was soon christened the “Baby Power” and is still going strong today
