Ballantines 21 yo


21 years old
  Ballantine's 21 years old. Ballantine's 21 years old the label Ballantine's 21 years old front of the box / pipe Ballantines 21 years old scotch whisky
Age : 21 years old.
Vol : 43%
Price/Value 600,-Dkr Tax free. (As I recall i found it in HongKong or Thailand 2800 Bath.)
Remark : AWA : Hmmm, smooth but Not very unique – Good but to expencive..
Ballantine’s 21 years old is though a good subst instead of the 30 years old.

From the website :
Ballantine’s 21 years old is regarded by many as the ultimate in premium Scotch whisky – an understated, classic gift offering. It is sold extensively in International Duty Free and selected Domestic markets globally including Greater China.
