Michel Couvreur 12 yo


Aged 12 years in oak casks. 
Value back in 1999 :  (in Danish kr. 375,- 70cl. 12 years old.)


Tested :  Yes (If Yes, comments below.)
Remark :  
Total Score : 2 (could be something wrong with the bottle.)


Personal taste: CP GI HT FS FR Average. Remark…
Package/Info 01 01       01 No package and almost no info on the label.
Bottle 05 05       05 Is it a Johnny Walker bottle with another label, placed different ?
Label 03 03       03 Booring. But there is a number 🙂
The tested was/is : #454168
Prop ? Metal/Kork/ Wood.  03/07 04/06       05 Hey.. We have a split dessision.
This is something else. It’s seald with sealing wax.
And ya need a bottle opener / Cork screw to open it.
Color 05 04       04,50 Adjustet with caramel.
Smell 07 05         CP : Soft a bit like Royal Salute.
GI : Cant find any boody – Mild Cognac ?
Taste 02 03         CP : Alcohol.
GI : Under the alcohol it’s a bit soft/sweet.
Aftertaste 01 01         God damn. Arghh… Alcohol…
Ohhh… ups… Who poured my MC into my coffee ?
Price/Quality 01 01         This is a longdrink / blend with something thing.
Sorry Mr. : Ephraim Peter We did not like it.


Here is a comment from Mr. Ephraim Peter :
I got the 12 year Michel Gouvreur in New York City, in September 1997
for US$ 50.-
Alcohol: 43%
Color: Very beautiful dark color, a little turbid because it is unfiltered.
Smell: Very gentle, gets a little flat with time (e.g. compared with a good Islay malt)
Taste: Well rounded, full bodied, very pleasant
Aftertaste: Delightfully mellow
Remark:  I’m not used to blended whiskies and was surprised how excellent they can taste. Michael Couvreur has not to stand back behind my favorite single malts (full body, distinguished aftertaste no sharp alcohol smell).
Total Score: 90% of total

Hmm… Wonder if it is the same Whisky we tested.


Michel Couvreur 12





Scotch (France)





Pure malt.





12 Years Old Pure Malt.















Michel Couvreur Single-Single Scotch (France) Single-Single Malt 27 Years old.