Royal Lochnagar std



Lochnagar, Royal Scotland Highland Eastern Please refer to : Royal Lochnagar.

The Royal Lochnagar bottleRoyal Lochnagar, Scotch Whisky, Single Highland Malt.





Royal Lochnagar
12 years old.
Sorry no picture.  
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Value :  (52,- Dmark in Germany / Berlin = Approx. 200,- Dkr.)
Remark :

Due to be tested !

More or less very close to other highland blends (First empression.)


Royal Lochnagar
Special Reserve.
Sorry no picture.  
Age : No age statment given for Selected Reserve.
Vol : 43%
Value :  ?
Remark : This should have a more robuste taste than the 12 years old..

