
Sorry no picture – Do not even know if this exists ?


Location : ?
Country : Ireland or Scotland.
Type : ?
Distillery :  ?
Founded : ?
Water : Unknown
Remark : Here's a request from : J.B.Kaniewski
I have been assured that a whisky probably from Ireland or Scotland by the name of BARLEYCORN exists. I cannot find it in the superb lists that you have created. Any chance of finding out more about the above-mentioned whisky? – I would be very grateful.

I've been surfing around on different web-search engines looking for Barleycorn – The only reply is : 1. John Barleycorn. / Books / Songs etc. Irish singer.. (Singing Pub song's (Also mention a Barleycorn grain !) Some pub's and a homebrew shop. Perhaps it's a homemade whisky made on the Sir John Barleycorn Pub in Ireland. ?


Age : ? Years Old (Still and bottling date differs.)
Vol. : ?%
Price ?,-

LINKS………. to official Barleycorn or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.

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