

altLagavulin distillery


Location : Port Ellen, Islay (West Coast), Argyll. Strathclyde Region.
Region : Islay, Argyll
Country : Scotland
Type : Islay Malt
Distillery : 

Port Ellen, Islay, Argyll PA42 7DZ
Phone: +44 01496-302400/250
Fax: +44 01496-302321
Visitor Centre: 01496-302217 (+44 01496-302250)

Guided tours Monday to Friday • 09:30, 11:15 and 14:30
Open all year round • Closed between Christmas and New Year.
Adult admission charge including discount voucher, redeemable in the distillery shop towards a 70cl bottle of single malt whisky • Children under eight years not admitted to the production areas
Tel: 01496 302730 to book your tour or Fax: 01496 302733 • e-mail:

NO PICTURES ALLOWED INSIDE the distillery.. so we are unable to supply you with detailed information and unique photos.. Sorry but.. Lagavulin onsite visit …x. Low AWA score

Founded : Est. 1816
Owner : Diageo (Old: United Distillers)
Producer :  White Horse Distillers Ltd.
Water : Solan Hill’s lake.
Remark :

Some of Lagavulin scotch whisky are stored on main-land and at Caol-ila warehouses…

(A Classic Malts of Scotland) – Also used to “White Horse” blends. 
A 16 year old distinctive and powerful Islay malt. It is deeply smoky and peaty with a velvety, complex finish.
From the book : Malt Whisky – A contemporary Guide – By Mr. Graham Moore :
In the twelfth century, Islay became the domain of the Lords of the Isles and saw the foundation of the clan Macdonald. The clan seat, Dunyvaig Castle, stands sentinel over Lagavulin Bay and it was from here in 1314 that over 1.000 Islay warriors embarked to fight for Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn.
By the mid-eighteenth century illicit distilling was well established on Islay. Farmers saw it as a useful sideline and for some, such as crofters and fishermen, it was the only living available when winter came. By the 1740 there were ten stills on Lagavulin Bay. These gave way to two fully fledged distilleries which had combined by 1837 to form the basis of the Lagavulin that the visitor sees today. The name comes from the Gaelic – Lag A’ Mhuilin – , meaning ‘mill in the hollow’.
Its history is inextricably entwined with that of its near neighbour Laphroaig and on occasions the fivalry has been far from friendly, resulting in more that one court case. Lagavulin was jointly owned by the Graham family and James Logan Mackie & Co, a partner in which was Peter Mackie who went on to build the Craigellachie Distillery and establish the White Horse brand. As an experiment Mackie set up the Malt Mill Distillery in 1908 within Lagavulin itself, and aim being to recreate old traditional working methods. The kiln had a haircloth floor and was heated by open chauffers fired entirely with peat. Malt Mill had its own washbacks but shared Lagavulin’s mash tun, and heather was added to the mash (Mackie believed this to be the original practice). The two pear-shaped stills were the same as those at Laphroaig. Mackie even poached Laphroaig‘s brewer to work on his new venture. However, if he was secretly trying to duplicate Laphroaig‘s product (Lagavulin lost the agency for Laphroaig in 1907) the experiment was a failure. Mackie’s family line ended in 1917 when his son James was killed outside Jerusalem, but Malt Mill survived until 1962, its maltings now converted into Lagavulin’s visitor centre.
In 1924 the company commissioned a small coaster to transport barley, coal and empty casks from Glasgow to Lagavulin and deliver the whisky to the mainland. The SS Pibroch (a pibroch is a phrasem usually a lament, played on the bagpipes) remained in service for almost 30 years and also served Caol Ila and Talisker distilleries. On two separate occasions in 1937 the little puffer was called upon to rescue crewmen from Fleetwood trawlers which had run aground, earning her the nickname ‘the Fleetwood lifeboat’.
Inset into a wall of the distillery building is a gravestone. It was intended as a headstone for the grave of a local man, buried on the nearby island of Texa. The stone never mad it to the island however, as when it was being loaded onto the boat a chain snapped, and the superstitious boatman took this as an omen and refused to make the crossing. The distillery has remained a memorial to him ever since.
Lagavulin is virtually a statement of the Islay character and many factors are held to be influential on the spirit, from the larch washbacks to the particularly steep angle of the lyne arms atop the still. Peter Mackie attributed its flavour to the burns which supply the distillery’s water and which fall over almost 100 waterfalls on their way down the peat-covered slopes of Beinn Sholum. It is pungent and assertive and, at 16 years old, quite a good age for a standard bottling. Time, as it says on the label, takes out the fire but leaves in the warmth.

Lagavulin distillery Another Lagavulin picture of the distillery The lagavulin distillery - drawing
Site made by (Alternative Whisky Academy)



alt Nice picture of the lagavulin bottle with glass Another picture of the lagavulin bottle Lagavulin in open air Another picture of the lagavulin bottle
Age : 16 years old.
Vol : 43%
Type : Islay Malt
Price (Approx in Danish kr. 70cl. : 450,- )
16 years old Malt (43%) á kr. 425,00 Bernina Vinhandel ApS
Taste : Distinctive and powerful Islay malt. It is deeply smoky and peaty with a velvety, complex finish
Remark : You either love it or hate it…
Some may even have to learn how to enjoy this very special whisky.
It is very smooth – but it has a VERY strong and powerfull palate.
Danish Remark : HT : “Glimrende whisky…..den er lettere overset, og kendes kun af virkelige kendere – guld værd.” 
GI : Hmmm.. er man til Whisky med megen krop, er Lagavulin en whisky for dig. Den har en kraftig duft og eftersmag af eg/jod/tjære/harpiks. Den nærmest smelter lige når man indtager de, mendens eftersmagen ligger meget længe i smagsløgene. 
Vi har fået disse kommentarer om Lagavulin : Den smager af “Røget sild” og en nævnte “Saddeltasker”. !!! 🙂
Hvad søren “CP” har fået smag for Lagavulin… 🙂 Tilykke.
Tested :  Yes
Total Score : 4/5 going up ! 🙂 
Personal taste: CP GI HT FS FR Average Remark…
Package/Info 04 04       04 Green (Gaaaab kedelig = Skal heldigvis ikke drikkes….)
Bottle 06 06       06 Standard whisky bottle with “Isla 1816”
Label 07 04       05,50 !
Prop ? Metal/Kork/ Wood.  08 07       07,50 Kork with wood-top.
Color   08       08 Dark brown….
Smell   07       07 Smell : Malt / Smokey
Taste   07       07 Taste : Malt / Smokey
Aftertaste   08       08 After taste : Very Long Smokey/Oak/? 
CP : Vold røget !!!
Price/Quality   07       07  

Lagavulin 16 Years 70CL 43,00 425.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Lagavulin, 2.wood Distillers Edition 1988 70CL 43,00 565.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Lagavulin, 2.wood Distillers Edition bottl. 1996 1980 70CL 43,00 udsolgt hos Juuls Vinhandel
Lagavulin 12y. 70CL 57,80 645.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel

Lagavulin bottle .... Another Lagavulin label.

LINKS………. to official Lagavulin Scotch Islay Malt Whisky or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.

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Bushmills Logo

Bushmills Logo


Location : County Antrim
Located in the extreme north of Ireland in Country Antrim, just two miles from the Giant's Causeway. – Near the Giant's Causeway on the north coast of Ulster.
Region : County Antrim
Country : Ireland
Type : Blend, De luxe blend, Single Malt
Distillery :  Old Bushmills Distillery
BT57 8XH
N. Ireland
Phone +44 01265-731521
Fax +44 01265-731339
Guided tours are available all year-round. For tour hours, contact Ireland 012657 31521.
Visitors are welcome 09.00 – 12.00, 13.30 – 15.30 Monday – Thuesday., 09.00 – 11.45 Friday.
Founded : License to distill in 1608.
Owner : Pernod Ricard Group.
Producer : Old Bushmills Co.
Water : The River Bush. / Saint Columb's Rill.
Remark :


From the book 'The Scottish Collection' Classic Malts by Carol P. Shaw :
Old Bushmills glories in the status of the oldest licensed distillery in the world. It is though that distilling may have begun on the site as early as the thirteenth century, but the first permit was granted by James VI and I to Sir Thomas Phillipps, a local landowner, in 1608. The site was especially well suited for its purpose, standing on the banks of St Columb's Rill, or stream, which flowed over the nearby peaty ground and into the River Bush, and which still provides the distillery with its fresh water supplies today. Belying its antiquity, Old Bushmills is distinctly Victorian-Speyside in appearance – a legacy of its rebuilding and the addition of its pagoda towers after a devastating fire in 1885. Although no longer in use, the tower remain the distinctive landmark of a distinguished distillery.

The Old Bushmill's can glory with the title 'The oldest licensed distillery in the world'.
The license was granted in 1608 to Sir Thomas Phillips who were a local landowner.
It was founding as a company in 1783 but local competition of legal and illegal distillers made the competition hard making the Bushmills to close and re-opened several times.
It revived under the ownership of the Boyd family, but again under the second world war it moved inevitably from being a family concern through a succession of larger, corporate buyers until in 1972 it joined the Irish Distillers Group. Irish Distillers Group were the bought by Pernod Ricard Group at the end of the 1980's.

Rip from
The year 1608. Shakespeare had already written Macbeth. The explorer John Smith became president of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America. It was an era of Milton and Galileo. And it was the year that Bushmills distillery was granted a license to distill whiskey. Today, 389 years later, the Bushmills distillery is still producing whiskey.
It is now the oldest operating licensed distillery in the world.
Records actually show that whiskey was distilled, and consumed, at the site much earlier than 1608. Sir Robert Savage, ground landlord of the town of Bushmills, was known to have fortified his troops with "aqua vitae" (whiskey) in 1276. And the Book of Leinster mentions a feast in the town of Bushmills back in 1490 where the local spirit helped to "down the food."
It is quite remarkable that anything lasts nearly four centuries, let alone a distillery. Throughout the years it has endured fires, wars, U.S . Prohibition, and multiple owners-from Seagram, Irish Distillers Group, and Pernod Ricard. Not only is Bushmills the world's oldest licensed distillery, it is also the only operating whiskey distillery in Northern Ireland.
With more than a dozen active distilleries in the early 1900s, the amount was reduced to three by the mid 1900's. The Comber distillery closed in 1953, and the Coleraine distillery stoped making malt whiskey in the mid-1960s, and closed down completely in 1978.
The Bushmills distillery is located on the edge of the town of Bushmills in Country Antrim, about an hour's drive north of Belfast and a short distance from the coast. The town itself is small and quaint, with two streets connecting in the center of the town to form a 'T'. There you'll find a small war memorial, a clock tower, and several small shops.
The distillery is two miles from the Giant's Causeway, described as the eighth natural wonder of the world. Its impressive vista of regular shaped stone outcrops of black basalt formed nearly 60 million years ago from the slow cooling of volcanic lava.
Mythical legend describes the causeway as a passage across the Channel to Scotland so that the Irish giant Finn McCool could cross the water without getting his feet wet. Also near the distillery is Portrush, a highly acclaimed championship golf course, and Dunluce Castle, which sits along the coastline impressively perched on a rock outcrop since around the year 1300.

Other rips :
The Bushmills distillery, in the little town of the same name was licensed by King James I (and James IV / Red.) in 1608. It is the world's oldest licensed malt distillery though its single malt was launched only in the mid 1980s. There are three labels – "Bushmills Malt", a de luxe blend partner "Black Bush" and a regular "Old Bushmills". They are all triple distilled.

There's lots of info about Bushmill's on other whisky related sites, seek your self or try some links on the buttom of this page.

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
Bushmills was granted a licence to distil in 1608, making it by far the earliest legal distillery of all. Operated by Irish Distillers which, in 1988, was the target of a hard fought take-over battle between British giant Grand Metropolitan and French rival Pernod Ricard, which the latter won.
Bushmills is triple distilled, although it is not alone in this respect. Auchentoshan, Rosebank and Benrinnes also use forms of triple distillation. Bushmills is also available in duty- free markets at 43% vol.
Irish whisky is unpeated, unlike most Scotch whisky.
Irish Distillers own two distilleries, Bushmills and the modern Midleton complex near Cork. Irish blends such as Jameson, Original Bushmills, Black Bush, Powers, Paddy and Tullamore Dew are produced from whiskies distilled at these two distilleries.
In 1920, there were 23 distilleries in Ireland and 134 in Scotland.
The distillery is situated near the Giant's Causeway on the north coast of Ulster.
Water is drained from the Saint Columb's Rill.
The distillery is open to the public all year. April to Octobeer, M-S 9.30am-5.30pm, S 12noon- 5.30pm.(Last tour 4.00 pm each day)
Off Season : M-F 6 tours daily, 10.00am, 11.00am, 12 noon, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm sharp.

The Bushmills distillery bw photo


Bushmills Irish Whiskey
Bushmills Irish Whiskey  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : 40% / 80-proof
Price ?
Remark : A blend of single malt and single grain whiskeys

5 Years old Malt
Sorry no picture.  
Age : 5 years old.
Vol : 40%
Price ?
Remark : Single Malt

Bushmills 1608
Sorry no picture.  
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 43%
Price ?
Remark : De luxe blend.

10 Years old Malt
Bushmills 10 years old - Malt  
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 40%
Price ?
Remark : Single Malt.

16 Years old Malt
Bushmills16 Years old - Malt Old Bushmills Malt 16 years old Irish whiskey Old Bushmills Malt 16 years old Irish whiskey the label Old Bushmills Malt 16 years old Irish whiskey the back label
Age : 16 years old.
Vol : 40%
Price ?
Remark : This is a Single Malt – A unique triple distilled Irish malt. We do not think it is suitable for Irish Coffee – drink it straight in stead.

Black Bush
Special Irish Whiskey
Black Bush  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : 40% / 80-proof
Price ?
Remark : Blend.

LINKS………. to official Bushmills or related web pages.
Bushmills official site. Bushmills Irish Whiskey.

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society. Site made by (Alternative Whisky Academy)


Bunnahabhain small bottle

Bunnahabhain small bottle Bunnahabhain Logo




Location : Bunnahabhain, Port Askaig, Islay (NorthEast Coast), Argyll. Strathclyde Region. – Situated towards the north east tip of Islay on the bay from which it takes its name.
Region : Islay
Country : Scotland
Type : Single Islay Malt
Distillery :  The Islay Distillery Co. / Highland Distillers and Matthew Gloag & Sons Ltd.
Port Askaig, Isle of Islay, Argyll PA46 7RP (PA46 7RR)
Phone: +44 01496-840646
Fax: +44 01496-840248
GPS: 55.8828 North , ,6.1256 West.
Founded : 1883 by The Islay Distillers Co.
Owner : Diageo
Producer :  ?
Water : River Margadale.
Remark :


Mostly used to blending.
At Bunnahabhain they also produce Black Bush.

first visit to the distillery was a bit like standard, but a special warehouse tour in 2016 was awesome.

Staff still “burning” for whisky distillery and not like the big commmercial distilleries. 

Soul and polite staff.

The hill down to Bunnahabhain distillery

Barrels from Bunnahabhain beeing loaded into truck

You will find the visitor centre on your left, but you may have to buy your ticket in the shop.

Low Wines

Some of the selection from the Bunnahabhain shop
Bunnahabhain Visitor Centre

If you have seen the commercial with the “rock” you’ll recon the angle

John Mac Lellan
Bunnahabhain Distillery Manager



From the book ‘The Scotish Collection’ Classic Malts by Carol P. Shaw :
Tasting notes : Less characteristically peaty than some other Islay malts, Bunnahabhain is a mellow whisky with an aromatic flavour, and a smooth, long finish. Taste rating = 3
Bunnahabhain, on the north shore of Islay, is one of the more isolated of the island’s distilleries. Founded in 1881, it has changed very little in the invervening century despite expansion in the 1960’s. All its production formerly went into blends. Bunnahabhain was owned by the Islay Distillery Company who bought Glen Rothes Distillery in 1887, together forming the Highland Distilleries Company. They still own Bunnahabhain today.

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
Bunnahabhain Distillery was founded in 1883 by two farmers, close to the mouth of the River Margadale which also is used as the watersource for the distillery. The distillery was later merged with Glenrothes-Glenlivet, to form Highland Distilleries Co. Extended from two to four stills in 1963.
Bunnahabhain means “mouth of the river”.
Prior to the building of this distillery which is the island’s most northerly, the adjacent area was inhospitable and uninhabited. Now a small hamlet has built up around the distillery.
Situated towards the north east tip of Islay on the bay from which it takes its name.


From the book ‘The Scotish Collection’ Classic Malts by Carol P. Shaw :
Tasting notes : Less characteristically peaty than some other Islay malts, Bunnahabhain is a mellow whisky with an aromatic flavour, and a smooth, long finish. Taste rating = 3
Bunnahabhain, on the north shore of Islay, is one of the more isolated of the island’s distilleries. Founded in 1881, it has changed very little in the invervening century despite expansion in the 1960’s. All its production formerly went into blends. Bunnahabhain was owned by the Islay Distillery Company who bought Glen Rothes Distillery in 1887, together forming the Highland Distilleries Company. They still own Bunnahabhain today.

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
Bunnahabhain Distillery was founded in 1883 by two farmers, close to the mouth of the River Margadale which also is used as the watersource for the distillery. The distillery was later merged with Glenrothes-Glenlivet, to form Highland Distilleries Co. Extended from two to four stills in 1963.
Bunnahabhain means “mouth of the river”.
Prior to the building of this distillery which is the island’s most northerly, the adjacent area was inhospitable and uninhabited. Now a small hamlet has built up around the distillery.
Situated towards the north east tip of Islay on the bay from which it takes its name.

Bunnahabhain Whisky 12 years old Bunnahabhain Distillery - drawing

Bunnahabhain Bottlings

12 years old
  Bunnahabhain 12 years old Bunnahabhain 12 years old - the label. Bunnahabhain 12 years old the back of the bottle / label
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : single Islay malt whisky
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Bunnahabhain remarks at present time.
Total Score : 6/7

vintage 1969
  Bunnahabhain vintage 1969 single Islay malt whisky
Age : Vintage 1969 – 30 years old
Vol : 40,1%
Type : single Islay malt whisky
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Danish Distributor Mac Y has a SMCS0166 Bunnahabhain 1969 30 40,1 70 on stock.

Bunnahabhain Single Islay Islay 12 40 Highland Distilleries bottling.
Bunnahabhain Islay – Malt. Islay 12 12 Years old Malt.
Bunnahabhain 25 years old Single Islay Islay 25 1964 46 Master of Malt bottling.
The Hunnahabhain Whisky bottle The Bunnahabhain Whisky label.

Danish comment: 
The Bunnahabain Single Islay Malt Whisky, 12 Years old. Whisky Bottle.
Igen noget reklame gøjl. (Ikke vores mening – For den er ikke testet 🙂 

Bunnahabhain Single Islay Malt 12-Years-Old 

Navnet Bunnahabhain er gallisk og betyder flodmunding. 

Destilleriet ligger ved mundingen af floden Margadale. 

Islay Malts er normalt kraftige og en anelse salt i smagen, men Bunnahabhain er den blødeste og mest delikate af alle Islay Malts.


LINKS………. to official Bunnahabhain or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.


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Brora / Clynelish

Gordon & McPhail


Location : Scotland, Brora, Sutherland, Just of the A9 at Brora.
Region : Northern Highland
Country : Scotland
Type : Scotch
Distillery :  Brora
Founded : in 1819 at that time called Clynelish distillery. It was built by Marquis of Staford, son of the Duke of Sutherland.
Owner : D.C.L. (Destillers Compagny Ltd.)
Producer : United Distillers
Water : The Clynemilton Burn.
Remark : Rebuilt in 1890s by a firm of brewers and closed in the early 1980s.
The distillery had in earlier times been called Clynelish, but that name is now used for its new neighbour built just across the road in 1967.

From Mr. Buxrud's fine whisky pages:
Brora 1 is the same distillery as Clynelish 1. Brora 1/Clynelish 1 is pre 1969 and Brora 2 is post 1969. Clynelish 2 was build, 1968. Brora 1/Clynelish 1, build 1819, was rebuild and renamed Brora 2 in 1969 eg. a 'new' distillery due to the extensive rebuilding.

Brora was known as Clynelish until 1969. Established by the Duke of Sutherland, who had cleared his tenant-farmers off the land to make way for sheep. Having moved some of the inland farmers to the coastal strip, the distillery was established to create a market for the farmers' grain. Owned by SMD since 1930. Two stills.
After the modern distillery had been built in 1967-68, the old "Clynelish" re-opened in April, 1969, housed in the former mash-house, which had been rebuilt. It subsequently ceased distillation in May, 1983 . The old buildings are now used as warehouses and the visitor centre for the "new" Clynelish.


1972 Connoisseurs Choise
Sorry no picture.  
Age : Vintage 1972
Vol : 40%
Bottled by : Gordon & McPhail Gordon & McPhail

Brora 1975
Rare Malt Selection
Brora 1975 Rare Malt Selection  
Age : 20 Years old – Vintage 1975
Vol : 54,9%
Price 222,00 at The Whisky StoreThe Whisky Store (Germany)
Also Brora Connoisseurs Choise 1982 40% 92,50 DM and
Brora Connoisseurs Choise, new Label 1972 40% vol 145,00 DM.

LINKS………. to other Brora related web pages.
URL : Perhaps you'll find something at Gordon & McPhail Gordon &: MacPhail.
There is some Rare Malt Sellection at United Distillers Switzerland.

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society. Site made by (Alternative Whisky Academy)

Braes of glenlivet / Braeval

The Braes of Glenlivet still from The Edinburgh Malt Whisky Tour.

The Braes of Glenlivet still from The Edinburgh Malt Whisky Tour.


Location : Near Tomintoul, Banffshire. 15km southwest from Dufftown, The Braes of Glenlivet. Grampion Region.
High up above the remote hamlet of Chapeltown off the B9008.
Region : Grampion Region.
Country : Scotland
Type : Highland Speyside Single Malt.
Distillery :  Seagram Distillers plc.
Founded : 1973-1974
Owner : Chivas Bros Ltd. Subsidiary of the Ceagram Co Ltd. of Canada.
Producer : ?
Water : Preenie and Kate's Well. / The Pitilie Burn
Remark : To avoid confusion with The Glenlivet, Braes of Glenlivet changed its name to Braeval.

Description: Built between between 1973-4 by Chivas Bros Ltd, a subsidiary of the Seagram Co. Ltd of Canada. Originally three stills, with two more being added in 1975 and a sixth in 1978. Although a very modern distillery, it is nevertheless of a most attractive design, with a decorative, albeit non functional pagoda-style roof.

Location: High up above the remote hamlet of Chapeltown off the B9008, it is one of the most isolated distilleries in Scotland.

Comments: With this whisky at last becoming available through independent bottlers, comes the news that its owners have renamed it Breval to avoid confusion with its illustrious sister, The Glenlivet.

From Scotchcorner :
Producer: Producer: Seagram | Region: Speyside | District: Highlands SMWS No: 203 | Operating status: believed open
This distillery, not far from Dufftown was built in 1973 during Seagram's expansion in Scotland. There are three stills, each with the distinctive bulge in the neck known as a "Milton Ball". Almost the entire output is used for blending. The architecture of the complex was kept close to traditional distillery design whilst employing the most advanced modern production technology – the entire plant can be operated by one man. Water comes from the Preenie and Kate's Well.
It has changed its name to the Braeval Distillery, this apparently to stop any confusion with other distilleries with similar names in the area. [as]

From The Edinburgh Malt Whisky Tour :

Producer: Chivas & Glenlivet group (Seagram)
Region: Highlands – District: Speyside(Upper Spey)
Map reference NJ 24 20 ; Latitude 3 19° N, Longitude 57 17° W
Founded 1973 ; Operating Status: open
This distillery, not far from Dufftown was built in 1973 during Seagram's expansion in Scotland. There are three stills, each with the distinctive bulge in the neck known as a "Milton Ball". The entire output is used for blending. The architecture of the complex was kept close to traditional distillery design whilst employing the most advanced modern production technology – the entire plant can be operated by one man. Water comes from the Preenie and Kate's Well.

Braes of Glenlivet BOTTLINGS

Braes of Glenlivet vintage
Braes of Glenlivet - Label  
Age : 15 -16 years old. (Vintage)
Vol : 60%
Price ?
Remark : Availible from Loch Fynes Whiskies :
S* BRAES OF GLENLIVET '79/15 60% 44.90 – S BRAES OF GLENLIVET '79/16 43% 33.00

LINKS………. to other Braes of Glenlivet / Braeval related web pages.

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Bowmore 12 and 17 years old.

Bowmore 12 and 17 years old.Different Bowmore bottlings


Location : Bowmore, West Coast Islay of Loch Indaal, Islay
Country : Scotch
Region : West Coast Islay
Distillery : 

Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd.
Springburn Bond, Carlisle Street, Glasgow, Scotland
Visitors Centre: Open all year, Tel: 01496 810441.
Opening hours: Mon to Fri, Tours from 10.00am – Last Tour 15.30 (3.30pm)

Daily tour times • 10:00,11:00, 14:00 and 15:00 • Saturdays • By appointment
Charges • £2.00 per person £1.00 O.A.P. Shop open Monday to Friday • 9:00 to 17:00
Visitor Centre Tel: 01496 810 671 • Distillery Tel: 01496 810 441 • Fax: 01496 810 757

Founded: 1779 by Mr. Simson. (Second oldest still on Islay.)
Established: 1768
Water : River Laggan
Remark : Yep it's a rip from
Nestling in the hills above the shores of Loch Indaal is the village of Bowmore, considered to be the 'capital' of Islay. The distillery buildings are on the quayside. Bowmore Distillery was established in 1779 by a local merchant, one John Simpson. One of the earliest legal distilleries on the island, it was also owner-operated which, at that time, was unusual, since most proprietors on Islay leased out their distilleries. It was later taken over by one James Mutter and his family: Mutter, as well as being a farmer and distiller had the unlikely role of Ottoman, Portuguese and Brazilian Vice-Consul in Glasgow. Mutter considerably expanded the distillery and thus the Bowmore name began to travel and demand grew. The family kept the distillery until the 1890s when it was sold and became the Bowmore Distillery Co. During the Second World War the buildings were used as a coastal command base by the Air Ministry and the distillery was acquired by Stanley P. Morrison in 1963. Morrison's rebuilt and renovated many of the buildings, retaining the malting floors which are still used today.

From the book 'The Scottish Collection' Classic Malts by Carol P. Shaw :
Tasting notes : With its plesant aroma and peaty-fruty flavour, Bowmore is a good Islay malt for newcomers to these distinctive whiskies to try. Taste rating = 3
Established in the 1770's, Bowmore is reputed to be the oldest legal distillery on Islay. It stands in the island's main town and overlooks Loch Indaal, and its water is taken from the peaty River Laggan. The distillery has passed through several hands in the twentieth century, but it has been a consistently thriving concern since its acquision in 1963 by Stanley P. Morrison of Glasgow. The company is now Morrison Bowmore, and this is their flagship distillery.

From the Morrison Bowmore website:
Bowmore Distillery, one of the oldest in Scotland has stood on the shores of Loch Indaal, on the Hebridean Island of Islay, since 1779.
Its close proximity to the sea is vital in determining the final character of Bowmore Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky, as is the strict adherence to the traditional production methods handed down to Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd in 1963, by its four previous owners.
Bowmore Distillery is one of an ever decreasing handful of distilleries to produce its own floor malted barley. The barley is still laboriously hand turned, by the Maltman, using the traditional wooden malt shovel. Exactly as his father, grandfather and great grandfather did in the past.
Bowmore Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky is produced using water from the Laggan River. Having spent 2000 years percolating through the rock in the hills above, the river gathers the flavours of the rich Islay Peat, the same Peat that fires the Malt drying kiln.
The famous Bowmore Vaults are where Bowmore Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky spends nearly all of its life. For many decades it rests quietly in the damp cellars below sea level. The Spanish and American Oak Casks impart rich and mellow flavours to the maturing whisky.
Peat, water, wood, people and tradition accumulate to create the subtle, warm and smoky character of Bowmore Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky.

Another Bowmore Bottle The Bowmore Islay Single Malt logo (From the site)


Bowmore Bottle Collection

10 years old
Sorry no picture !  
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 40%
Price ?

12 years old
Bowmore 12 years old
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Price 70cls.. : 315,- Dkr. in Skjold Burne (Tidligere Amager Vincenter)
750ml $34.99 at
100 cls. Dkr. 173,- tax free at Whisky World – Copenhagen Airport.
Remark : Bowmore is a gentle whisky, only a little peat is used in malting and some claim that its geographical situation on the island gives it a balance between the intense malts of the southern shores and the subtler ones of the north.

17 years old.
Sorry no picture !  
Age : 17 Years old
Vol : 40%
Price 750ml $49.50 at
70cls. 498,- Dkr. in Skjold Burne (Tidligere Amager Vincenter).
Tested : Yes
Remark : Islay, with long aftertaste. Smokey and a bit sweet.

21 years old
Bowmore 21 years old  
Age : 21 Years old.
Vol : ?%
Price 750ml $102.00 at

22 Ceramic
Bowmore 22 years old in Ceramic bottle  
Age : 22 Years old
Vol : ?%
Price 750ml $121.00 at

25 years old
Sorry no picture !  
Age : 25 Years old.
Vol : ?%
Price 750ml $121.00 at

30 years old
Bowmore 30 years old in ceramic bottle  
Age : 30 Years old.
Vol : ?%
Price 750ml $175.00 at

Cask Strength
  Bowmore Cask strength
Age : ?
Vol : ?% / Cask
Price 100 cls. Dkr. 319,- tax free at Whisky World in Copenhagen Airport.
Remark : Wonderfull strong warm palate and finish – You might want to add water due to the strength.

Darkest Sherry Cask
Sorry no picture !  
Age : ?
Vol : ?%
Price 700 cls. Dkr. 299,- tax free at Whisky World in Copenhagen Airport.

Age : ?
Vol : ?%
Price 750ml $26.39 at

Single Select
Bowmore Single Select  
Age : ?
Vol : ?%
Price ?

Bowmore Surf single islay malt whisky  
Age : ?
Vol : ?%
Price ?

Age : ? Vintage
Vol : ?%
Price ?

LINKS………. to official Whisky brand or related web pages.
Morrison Bowmore Morrison Bowmore Distillers Limited

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BlairMhor Scotch Malt Whisky logo

BlairMhor Scotch Malt Whisky logo


Location : ?
Region : ?
Country : Scotland
Type : ?
Distillery :  Inver House Distillers
Founded : ?
Owner : Inver House Distillers
Towers Road Airdrie Lanarkshire ML6 8PL
Phone +44 1236-769377
Fax +44 1236-769781
Producer :  ?
Water : ?
Remark :

BlairMhor :

Remarks and Review is under construction.

BlairMhor picture / drawing

BlairMhor Bottlings

8 years old
BlairMhor Pure Scotch Malt Whisky 8 years old - bottle BlairMhor Pure Scotch Malt Whisky 8 years old - bottle and box BlairMhor Pure Scotch Malt Whisky - Label
Age : 8 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : Scotch Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no BlairMhor remarks at present time.

BlairMhor ? Inver House Distillers
Blairmhor 8 years old Vatted Malt Country of origin 8 Inver House Distillers 40

LINKS………. to official BlairMhor or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.

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Blair Athol

Blair Athol Distillery

Blair Athol Distillery


Location : Blair Atholl (With a double 'l'), Pitlochry, Perthshire.
Now not at Blair Atholl, as its name suggests, the distillery is to be found on the southern approach road to Pitlochry, just off the main A9.
OS Sheet 43 ; Map reference NN 87 65 ; Latitude 3 50dg N, Longitude 56 45dg W
Region : Highland Central. (Midlands) – Tayside Region.
Country : Scotland
Type : Highland
Distillery :  Blair Athol Distillery.
Pitlochry, Perthshire, PH16 5LY
TEL: 01796 472234 – FAX: 01796 473292
Easter-Sept, Mon-Sat: 0900.17.00. Sun: 12.00-17.00.
Oct-Easter, Mon-Fri: 09.00-17.00 (last tour at 16.00).
Dec-Feb, tours by appointment only.
Founded :  Aprox. 1825 (Alexander Connacher & Co.) The still trace its origin to 1798.
Extended in the 1970's.
Owner : United Distillers plc.
Producer : ?
Water : Kinnaird Burn and Ben Vrackie (Pitlochry) / Allt Dour (Burn of the Otter)
Remark : The distillery was founded in the late 1790's at Pitlochry and the owners have always insisted on using Orkney peat, preferred for its young character.
The resulting whisky has a dry, sharp nose, becoming sweeter and creamier with some cereal notes, light caramel and heathery overtones. The flavour is smooth and sweet, with a gingery finish and and mossy overtones.

Here's a rip from :
Although originally founded almost 30 years earlier, the present distillery was established in 1826, when revived by John Robertson. It passed into the hands of John Conacher & company in 1827. It closed in 1932 and, although purchased by Arthur Bell & Sons the following year, it did not come into production again until 1949 after rebuilding. Extended from two to four stills in 1973. Now part of United Distillers plc.

Another rip from the Scotch Doc.:
Blair Athol Distillery was originally founded about 1798. The present distillery, which is located near Pitlochry, off Highway A9, about eleven miles south of the town of Blair Atholl (spelled with two l's), was established in 1826. Closed shortly thereafter in 1832, with extensive reconstruction in the interim, it did not commence production again until 1949. It doubled its production capacity to four stills in 1973. The entire area around Pitlochry was once a thriving whisky production center of activity with over thirty distilleries in production at one time. The water quality of Allt Dour Burn has a great reputation for quality that was publically praised by none other than Alfred Barnard in 1887 in his book "The Whisky Distilleries of the United Kingdom." Blair Athol is an excellent stop for the tourist. It has an excellent Visitors Center with a very educational media program that is part of the educational tour provided visitors.

From the book 'The Scottish Collection' Classic Malts by Carol P. Shaw :
Tasting notes : A light, fresh malt with dry notes, ahint of smokiness and strong fruit overtones, leading into a very smooth finish. Taste rating = 2-3
This is a picturesquely on a wooded hillside on the outskirts of the pretty Perthshire tourist centre of Pitlochry. Blair Athol is unusual in that it is twelve miles distant from the village after which it is named. Established in 1825, the distillery was bought by Bell in 1933 and sympatheticaally upgraded, although it did not produce again for another 16 years. It is now owned by United Distillers. Its water comes from the Allt Dour (Burn of the Otter) which flows past the distillery en route to the River Tummel.


Blair Athol whisky label.  
Age : 8 Years Old
Vol : 40%
Price ?
Remark : None at present time.

12 years old
BLAIR ATHOL - The bottle...  
Age : 12 Years Old
Vol : 43%
Price ?
Remark : (Avalible from United Distillers 12 Year Old. / Wm. Cadenhead from 13 to 23 Y.O.)

Blair Athol - Another Bottle....

Here's a request from Kathy Michell
Who was Lady Murray of Blair Athol around 1650 she is one of my ancestors.
I myself found that she was married twice her second husband being a John Bright who died of typhus. She later married Joseph Bell. They left Scotland after the Battle of Culloden Moor in 1746 when the Clans were dissolved – went to Yorkshire to find work.
Cheers for the Orkney Peat!
Please help if you can, thanks.
Kathy Michell

LINKS………. to official Blair Athol or related web pages.
United Distillers South Africa. United Distillers South Africa.
United Distillers Switzerland United Distillers Switzerland
With a Click able map to distilleries
United Distillers UK - Careers. United Distillers UK – Careers.

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Site made by (Alternative Whisky Academy)


Bladnoch lowland single malt scotch whisky logo

Bladnoch lowland single malt scotch whisky logo


Location : 2km Southwest of Wigtown. Dumfries and Galloway Region. – Situated on the river Bladnoch, just a mile outside Wigtown.
OS Sheet 83 ; Map reference NX 42 54 ; Latitude 4 27.3dg. N, Longitude 54 51.6dg. W
Region : Lowland – Borders
Country : Scotland
Type :  Lowland South-West. (Borders)
Distillery :  Bladnoch Distillery
Bladnoch Bladnoch Bridge / Wigtown Wigtownshire DG8 9AB,
Situated on the river Bladnoch, just a mile outside Wigtown. Phone : +44 01988-402235
Fax : +44 01988-402605
Founded : 1817 by McClelland in Bladnoch. (1983 Arthur Bell & Sons / Inver House Distillers Ltd.)
It was mothballed in 1993.
The distillery recommenced production again under private ownership in December 2000.
Owner : Earlier owner United Distillers plc.
Private ownership in December 2000 by Raymond Armstrong
Producer : United Distillers plc.
Water : The River Bladnoch
Remark : Still closed 1940/45-1956
The still stands far from any other by a stone bridge across the Bladnoch River.

From :
Description: Founded in 1817 by John & Thomas McClelland. Sold by Dunvilles, the Irish whisky distillers, in 1936 for £3,500, this "representing a considerable loss for the premises and plant" Closed in 1938 and re-opened in 1956. Run by United Distillers plc who closed it in 1993.

Location: The southernmost distillery in Scotland. Situated on the river of the same name, just a mile outside Wigtown.
Water: The River Bladnoch.

Comments: Close to the distillery is Baldoon Farm, where stands the ruined castle to which Janet Dalrymple, the "Bride of Lammermoor" came to die after her marriage to David Dunbar of Baldoon.

From The Edingburg Malt Whisky Tour :
The most southerly of Scotland's distilleries, standing far from any other at Wigtown, by the river Bladnoch, on the Machars peninsula of Galloway. The distillery was founded in the early 1800s, closed in 1938, reopened in the 1950s and was taken over by Bells in 1983, not long before their acquisition by what is now United Distillers.
© Michael Jackson 1994
The distillery is mothballed, major shame, but the area is fascinating, right in the south west corner of Scotland and I thoroughly recommend a visit to the area, known as the South Makars, if you ever get to Scotland. If you are in that area, stay in the Corsemalzie Hotel near Port William, if funds permit, or any of the very good bed and breakfasts in Glenluce. Also visit the 2nd hand bookshop in Wigtown.

From the book 'The Scottish Collection' Classic Malts by Carol P. Shaw :
Tasting notes : Bladnoch is a light to medium bodied malt with a light, fragrant, lemony aroma and a gentle, unassertive flavour with fruity tones. Taste Rating = 3
Bladnoch was Scotland's most southerly distillery, in Wigtownshire, and was also one of its oldest. It was built in 1817 and stood on the banks of the River Bladnoch, in the village of the same name. It had many owners throubhout the course of the twentieth century, the latest being United Distillers. The distillery is now closed, Bladnoch's single malt is still relatively rare, only becoming available in official bottlings in UD's Distillery (Flora and Fauna) Malts series early in the 1990's.
I would be greatful if you would amend your page about Bladnoch to indicate that the distillery recommenced production again under private ownership in December 2000. Many thanks Raymond Armstrong (owner )

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
Bladnoch, the most southerly of all Scottish distilleries, stand on the river of the same name and was founded in 1817 by John & Thomas McClelland. After having been closed for a time it opened again in the 1950s and was taken over by new owners in 1983. Sadly United Distillers announced its pending closure in 1993. (now under private ownership by Raymond Armstrong : ) Close to the distillery is Baldoon Farm, where stands the ruined castle to which Janet Dalrymple, the "Bride of Lammermoor" came to die after her marriage to David Dunbar of Baldoon. The River Bladnoch supplies the distillery with its water.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Picture of The Bladnoch distillery Picture 1 of The Bladnoch distillery Picture 2 of The Bladnoch distillery Picture 3 of The Bladnoch distillery Picture 4 of The Bladnoch distillery Picture 5 of The Bladnoch distillery
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Bladnoch 10 years old the bottle Bladnoch lowland scotch whisky - bottled by Gordon Macphail Connoisseurs choice Bladnoch 8 years old - label Bladnoch 10 years old - label Bladnoch vintage 1984 signatory - label
Age : 8, 10, 28 Years Old and vintage
Vol : 40%
Price ?
Remark : Availible from Loch Fyne Whiskies:
OB-d BLADNOCH 10 43% 29.90
CC BLADNOCH '86/10 40% 22.20
C* BLADNOCH '80/16 58% 38.60

Other bottlings :
BLADNOCH 10 Years old – 86 Proff – LOWLANDS BORDERS
BLADNOCH (Adelphi) 11 Years old – 118 Proff – LOWLANDS BORDERS
BLADNOCH (Cadenhead Bottling) 34 Years old – 87 Proff – LOWLANDS BORDERS
BLADNOCH (Connoisseurs Choice) 8 Years old – 80 Proff – LOWLANDS BORDERS
BLADNOCH (Connoisseurs Choice) 9 Years old – 80 Proff – LOWLANDS BORDERS

Bladnoch Lowland South (Borders) – Malt. Lowland Bladnoch Distillery The most southerly of Scotland's distilleries.
Bladnoch 10 years old (Blackadder) Single Lowland Lowland 10 1984 Bladnoch Distillery 43 Blackadder International bottling.
Bladnoch 10 years old (UD) Single Lowland Lowland 10 Bladnoch Distillery 43 United Distillers bottling.
Bladnoch 1984 Single Lowland Lowland 1984 Bladnoch Distillery 40 Available in 70cl bottles.
Bladnoch 1985 Cask Strength Cask Strength Lowland 1985 Bladnoch Distillery 58 Available as 1985 distilling.

LINKS………. to other official Bladnoch or related web pages.

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society. Site made by (Alternative Whisky Academy)


Nikka whisky logo

Nikka whisky logo

Nikka (Yoichi) Whisky

Location : Japan
Region : Varies
Country : Japan
Type : Malt and Blended.
Distillery :  Sendai Distillery (Formerly called Nikka Whisky Co. Sendai Plant.)
Miyagiken Sendaishi Aoba Nikka 1
Founded in 1969
Phone : +81 22 395 2111
Fax : +81 22 395 2861

Yoichi Distillery (Formerly called Nikka Whisky Co. Hokkaido Plant)
Hokkaido Yoichigun Yoichimachi Kurokawacho 7-6
Founded in 1934 by Masataka Taketsuru
Phone : +81 135 23 313
Fax : +81 135 23 2202

Founded : Yoichi Distillery in 1934
Sendai Distillery in 1969
Owner : Nikka Whisky Distilling Co Ltd (Also Distributor)
4-31 Minami Aoyanma 5-choma, Minato-ku 105,
Phone +81 3 3498 0331
Fax +81 3 3498 2030

or contact UK office at :
Nikka Whisky Distilling Co Ltd.
Mr. T Sakuma
17 Connaught Place
London W2 2EL

Producer :  Nikka Whisky Distilling Co Ltd
Water : ?
Remark :

Nikka :

Nikka Whisky Distilling Co is owner of : Ben Nevis Distillery (Scotland), Sendai Distillery, Miyagikyo Distillery and Yoichi Distillery.

Nikka whisky

Nikka Bottlings

Black Nikka Whisky
Black Nikka Special Black Nikka Whisky in Tin Class Blend Black Nikka - class blend
Age : ? years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Nikka remarks at present time.

Sorry no Nikka Black-50 picture.  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Nikka remarks at present time.

Nikka Gold & Gold
Sorry no Nikka picture.  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Samurai armor decanter / bottle.

Nikka Hi
Hi Nikka whisky  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Nikka remarks at present time.

Nikka Kingsland,
Sorry no Nikka picture.  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Nikka remarks at present time.

Malt Club Nikka

Nikka Memorial 50
Sorry no Nikka picture.  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Nikka remarks at present time.

Nikka Northland
Sorry no Nikka picture.  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Nikka remarks at present time.

Nikka Super Old, Rare
Rare Super old Nikka whisky  
Age : 15 years old.
Vol : ?%
Type : Deluxe blend
Price Super Nikka Japansk blend i lækker indpakning 345,- hos Qualityworld
Yoichi 15y. Japan malt whisky 70CL 45,00 550.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Taste : ?
Remark : Super old Nikka whisky

Nikka Yoichi
Nikka Single Cask Malt Whisky - Yoichi Nikka Yoichi Warehouse Nikka Yoichi distillery
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 62 to 62,2% Abv
Type : Single Malt
Price Yoichi 10y. Japan malt whisky 70CL 45,00 Dkr 495.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Yoichi 10y 45% Japansk single malt 495,- hos Qualityworld
Taste : ?
Remark : Nikka Single Cask Malt Whisky – Yoichi

Yoichi 20 YO Single Malt Cask Strength

Available bottles from Danish Distributor Mac-Y (only b2b)
Vare nr. Varenavn Age: %Vol: Cl.
SMCS0082 Nikka Yoichi single malt c.s. 10 62 70
SMCS0213 Nikka Yoichi single malt c.s. – 75cl 15 58 75
SMCS0214 Nikka Yoichi single malt c.s. 20 52 70
SMAL0189 Nikka Yoichi single malt giftbox 15 45 70
SMAL0190 Nikka Yoichi single malt giftbox 12 45 70
SMAL0191 Nikka Yoichi single malt giftbox 10 45 70
SMAL0192 Nikka Sendai single malt giftbox 12 45 70
BLEN0195 Super Nikka – 75cl – giftbox 10 43 75
LBLE0196 Super Nikka 15yo – giftbox 15 43 70
LBLE0197 The blend of Nikka – 66cl 12 45 66
LBLE0198 The blend of Nikka 17yo – 66cl 17 45 66
VMAL0199 Super Nikka Pure Malt (Genshu) – 50cl – 55,5 50
PBLE0200 Nikka – From the Barrel – 50cl – 51,4 50
LBLE0202 The blend of Nikka – 5cl 12 45 5
BLEN0204 New blend of Nikka (round) – 5cl – 40 5
BLEN0205 Super Nikka – 5cl 10 43 5
LBLE0206 Super Nikka 15yo – 5cl 15 43 5
BLEN0207 The Blend of Nikka Selection – 5cl – 45 5
BLEN0204 New blend of Nikka (round) – 5cl – 40 5
BLEN0205 Super Nikka – 5cl 10 43 5
LBLE0206 Super Nikka 15yo – 5cl 15 43 5
BLEN0207 The Blend of Nikka Selection – 5cl – 45 5

Yoichi Pure White Malt 50CL 43,00 298.50 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Nikka Pure Malt White 43% 50cl. En blanding af single malt whisky fra Yoichi 335,- hos Qualityworld
Nikka Pure Malt Red 43% 50cl. En blanding af single malt whisky fra Sendai. 335,- hos Qualityworld
Nikka Taketsuru 17y. Pure Malt 70CL 43,00 650.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Yoichi 12y. Japan Malt Whisky 70CL 45,00 525.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Blend of Nikka 660ml 45% Kompleks blend med højt indhold af malt. 495,- hos Qualityworld
Nikka From The Barrel 51,4% 50cl. Japansk fadstyrke blend fra Nikka. 295,- hos Qualityworld
Nikka Pure Malt Black 43% 50cl. En blanding af single malt whisky fra Yoichi. 335,- hos Qualityworld

LINKS………. to official Nikka or related web pages.
Nikka Whisky - Site is in Japanese Nikka Whisky – A single malt from Japan / in Japanese.
The Nikka Whisky Distilling Co.,Ltd
Nikka Whisky - Site is in English Nikka Whisky – English available at

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society. Site made by (Alternative Whisky Academy)