The six classic malts of Scotland

The Six Classic Malts of Scotland. / With a link to a Scotland Midifile...

The Six Classic Malts of Scotland. / With a link to a Scotland Midifile...


Dalwhinnie, Talisker, Craggenmore, Oban, Lagavulin, Glenkinchie

The logo of Classic Malt's of Scotland.The Six Classic Malts of Scotland is carefully selected to best representeach of the mail whisky producing regions of Scotland.They embrace the full diversity of regional tastes and styles.Appropriately the Classic Malts symbol is the Quaich, which for centuries has been the traditionalScottish drinking bowl reserved for toasting the finest single malt whiskies.

DALWHINNIETALISKERCRAGGANMOREOBANLAGAVULINGLENKINCHIEAround the horn.: (Below sorted : From a bit sweet to smoked)

A 14 year old combining the sophistication of the Highlands with a touch of the peaty style of the Islands. 
It is rich and full-bodied with a mellow fruity finish.
(Ladies whisky)
Glenkinchie is a soft, sweetly aromatic malt from the 'Garden of Scotland'. 
Is has a fresh, grassy sweetness balanced with a warming, dryish finish.
A 12 year old elegant, sophisticated Speyside with the most complex aroma of any malt. 
Astonishingly fragrant with sweetish notes and a smoky maltiness on the finish.
A bit smoked.
A 10 year old and the only malt produced on Skye. 
Its seaweedy, smoky nose and sweet maltiness is perfectly complimented by its spicy, 
long finish.
DALWHINNIE A 15 year old gentle, delicate malt from the wild and windswept Highlands. 
It is subtle, smooth delicately smody malt with a heathery honey finish.
(This is Smoked.)
A 16 year old distinctive and powerful Islay malt. 
It is deeply smoky and peaty with a velvety, complex finish.

The Same Six Classic Malts of Scotland... (But another picture / and tune.. :) Another Classic Malts logo

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society.

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Different Whisky words or Whiskey terms..

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A Small Whisky ABC , Glossary

In the world of whisky you may bump into words that are not common !
We have tried to collect some of the whisky words or terms that may need a further explanation if you should be so lucky to bump into a book about whisky .
Further more beware : In the world of whisky words may get or have a different meaning. Smart words, look-alikes and 'slick' marketing can confuse a lot.
(Sorry to all our Danish speaking visitors – Leder du efter en forklaring på dansk så slå et smut forbi Whisky Ordlisten på dansk.)

Word Remark / explanation
Abv Alcohol By Volume is also known as abv. Abv is the alcohol strength of the whisky mesured as a percentage part in relation to the liquid as a whole. 40% abv is equal to 40% alcohol and 60% water, congeners etc.
The word alcohol is derived from Arabic
Age As stated on the label applied to the youngest whisky in the bottle.(If vatted or blended)
By law a Scotch or Irish whisky must be at least 3 years old.
The age refers to the youngest whisky – if it is a single pure malt the age refers to the years the whisky has been maturing in the cask.
A whisky do not mature in a bottle.
Ageing Whisky gets its individual character by maturing within the confines of a cask and once bottled the ageing process ends.
Alcohol Hydrocarbon compund resulting from fermentation of saccharine solutions. Forms the intoxication component of fermented and distilled liquors.
Another system of defining alcoholic strength is proof.
Amylase The enzyme that converts starch into maltose in the Mash Tun.
Angels Share The name Angel's Share was given to the whisky which each year evaporates from the barrels stored in warehouses. On average this works out at approx. 2% of the barrel's contents per annum, of which most of it is alcohol.
AWA Alternative Whisky Academy – The mother of this site.
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Word Remark / explanation
Backset Peculiar to North American whiskeys, this is the shin stillage added to both the mash tub and permenter to an amount totalling no less than 25% of the overall mash. This is carried out to help orevent bacterial contaminations.
Ball of Malt A peculiarly Irish expression for a glass of whiskey.
Barley Cereal which is germinated to produce malt, the raw material from which malt whisky/whiskey is made.
Beading A rough method used to tell the alcoholic strength of a whisky. When a bottle is shaken – bubbles or beads will form. The bigger they are and longer they last the greater the alcoholic strength is of the spirit.
Beer Wort or Mash that has had yeast added which is either partly or completely fermented. Also known as Wash.
Beer still This is prim. an US Term. Also known as wash still. The first still used in the distillation process.
Blending The mixing together of a straight whiskey (pure malt, single malt, bourbon or rye) and grain whisky. In Canada the blending process allows for 9,09% to include non-Canadian whiskies (i.e. distilled fruit juices, fortified wine or whiskies from other countries.) The result is a blended whisky / whiskey.
Bond Warehouse or warehouses in which whisky stocks are held until excise duty is levied.
(Sorry not a 007 whisky.)
Bothie A small house in the Scottish Highlands. Places were sometimes used for making illicit whisky.
Bottled in Bond Northern American whiskey usually Bourbon bottled after four years in cask, at 50% abv. or more.
In UK all whisky is bottled in bond – meaning before excise duty has been paid.
Bourbon A whiskey normaly produced anywhere in the United States made from a mash of a minimum 51% corn, distilled to a strength of no more than 80% abv. (160 proof) and entered into new charred oak barrels at a strength not exceeding 62,5% abv.
Brewing The process of mashing grain in hot water and fermenting the result with yeast to produce Wash or beer.
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Word Remark / explanation

If you know candy you properly know caramel. This dark brown substance made from sugar is used as a coloring agent in some whiskies.

If your whisky gets "pale" or loose the brown color when exposed to sunlight it's proberly color adjusted with caramel.

Carring The dramatic firing og the inside of a new barrel. The contact of the flame on the oak opens fissures into which the spirit can run and from types of sugars which will assist the flavouring and colouring of the maturing spirit. The term sometimes applied to the process being carried out on old barrels in re-charring.
Cask Strength This is the strength at which the whisky comes out of the cask after maturation. This can be variable according to the age of the whisky. It is not defined by law but some companies use the term to describe whiskies which are stronger than 40 – 43% vol.
Charcoal Mellowing Specially used for Tennessee whiskey. The new spirit is filtered through charcoal before going into cask. Also known as mellowing. Ikeaching or The Lincoln County Process. Some may be filtered again after cask aging but before bottling.
Charring The inside surface of new American barrels are exposed to flames as part of the barrel-making process. This releases vanilla from the wood which sweetens the whisky, and the char itself helps remove offnotes. It does not add color to the whisky.
Cheers This is a must do when drinking whisky in good company.
If you are in Scotland or Ireland you would say 'slainte'
Chill Filtration Filtration and removal of congeners by chilling the whisky. This is a purely cosmetic precaution used to prevent hazing when the bottled whisky is stored at cold temperatures. The greater the spirit is chilled during filtration, the greater the number of congeners will be removed.
Congeners Chemical compounds found whithin whisky and formulated during fermentation, distillation and maturation carrying properties that have direct relevance to the taste and smell of the sprite. Some of the more delicate congerners can be lost during chill filtration.
Couch A second tank in which barley is placed after it has been taken from the steep and dries sufficiently before being spread on the floor. (Floor is rare nowadays.)
Cut The middle portion of the spirit coming off the spirit still. The cut is the best part of the distillate and is saved and put into barrels. The foreshots and feints are re-distilled.
Cytase Enzyme in barley that breaks down the cell walls thus making starch accessible.
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Word Remark / explanation
DCL The Distillers Company Ltd. Originaly formed out of a trade arrangement made between six Lowland Grain distillers in 1857.
Distillation Distillation is the simple precess of extraction alcohol from a fluid substance by the application of heat. Because alcohol vaporizes quicker than water, it can be collected during condensation.
The process itself may come from the old Egypt (3000 years before Christ), where sailors distilled saltwater to fresh water (removed the salt by heating up the water.).
Doubler A pot still used for the second distillation off a beer still in order to increase alcoholic strength.
Draff The Scottish term for spent grains after it has been exhausted of all sugar like properties during fermentation. Used as nutritios food for livestock.
Dram Dram also known as a Scottish term for a small glass of whisky (A Dram).
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Word Remark / explanation
Eagle Rare A whisky brand
Enzymes Carried within grain, especially after malting, action as an organic catalyst which converts large non fermentable molecules of starch into smaller, fermentable ones. During mashing, brewers must beware that the grain dows not enter the waters at to hot a temperature as these enzymes can be destroyed or damaged.
Exciseman Officer form H.M. Customs and Excise who's in charge of the controlling conformity of operations run by spirit manufacturers, distillers and of the payment of relevant duty taxes.
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Word Remark / explanation
Feints The unused end-part of a distillation run which is mostly water. (Also known as Tails.)
The flawed end portion of the run from the final distillation. Being unpotable, re-distillation is required.
Fermentation A slow decomposition of organic substance usually induced by enzymes for instance the conversion of sugars to alcohol and carbon dioxide
( C6H12O6 > 2 (C2H5OH) + 2 (CO2) ) by yeast enzymes. Distillers allow fermentation to progress to completion whereas brewers stop the process partway through. The final fermentation is taking place in the cask.
Fermenters Vessel made from either metal or wood used for the mash to be turned into beer. This is done by adding yeast which feeds of the soluble sugars ehld whithin the Wash. Because of the energy created by the activity of the yeast, fermenters are never filled to the brim. Distilleries using all malt in their fermentation use either switchers to help keep down the foam or they use temperature control.
Fillings Barrels containing spirit freshly run off the still and which is to be allowed to mature in whisky.
Foreshots The very first runnings off the still during the second distillation.
See heads.
Floor Malting The building whithin a distillery in which the pratice of malting is carried out by hand. Very few distilleries now continue this ancient pratice.
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Word Remark / explanation
Gauger The old name given to the exciseman whose job was to put down illicit distillation and smuggling.
Grain Whisky A whisky distilled by a continuous method to a high alcoholic strength from either wheat or maize and used to blend with a straight whisky.
Green Malt Barley that has begun germination but has not yet been hotair dried either by kiln or in a drum. This is sometimes used in the making of grain whisky.
Grist Precisely ground malt flour immersed in hot water to make sugar-rich mash.
Ground grains to be used in mashing.
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Word Remark / explanation
Heads Heads is the very first runnings of the still (vs. feints / tails) and undesirale distillate containing compounds even more volastile than alcohol. They are not suitable for whisky and must be re-distilled.
Heart Between Heads and Tails , the center of the distillate containing the alcohol suitable for whisky.
High Wine The alcoholic product from the first distillation which is ready to be pumped into a second still (Also known as Spirit Still) for re-distillation.
Highland Area in the Nothern Scotland
Hopped Yeast Mash A US Term. A mash flavoured by cooked hops in which yeast is propagated.
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Word Remark / explanation
Irish Whiskey Whiskey originaly from Ireland matured for at least 3 years in Ireland.
Whiskey from Ireland is spelled with an "e" – some source say it was to differ from Scotch that is spelled without an e (Whisky).
Though Whiskey with e is also to be found i US.
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Word Remark / explanation
Jigger Obsolute name for an illicit distillery
An American mesure of spirit, usually one and half fluid U.S. ounces. ( 1.5 fl. oz )
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Word Remark / explanation
Kentucky Whiskey was made as early as medieval times by Irish and Scottish monks who distilled grains in pursuit of a rejuvenating "water of life." In the early American colonies whiskey was made with rye and used as a medicine and a general aid to well-being. Kentucky settlers gave whiskey several new twists, beginning with corn, which was abundant since settlers could claim 400 acres if they built a cabin and grew a patch of corn. As early as 1775, enterprising Kentuckians were making corn whiskey. (Today, by definition, bourbon is a whiskey made from a mash containing at least 51 percent corn.) By the mid-1800s Kentucky distillers had developed other distinguishing characteristics, such as aging the whiskey in charred new barrels and using sour mash starter to gain consistent high quality from batch to batch. Some people credit the Bluegrass’ limestone water with giving bourbon its smooth taste.
Kieve The Irish term for mash tub these days rarely heard.
Kiln Room sized area for drying the malted barley. Smote from peat or coal fires below rises through a mesh floor and permeates the malt. Pegoda-head (pyramid shaped) roofs are the chimneys up which the smoke eventually passes.
Kilning In malting the process of arresting the growth of the germinationg barley before starch can be used up.
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Word Remark / explanation
Leaching One of the mist common terms applied to the filtration process carried out in Tennessee whisky, the others being charcoal mellowing, mellowing and sometimes though accurately.
The Lincoln county process : See Tennessee whisky.
Liquor Hot water that is specially prepared for the mashing process.
Lommond Still Perhaps you recall the name Lommond (Loch Lommond)
Lommond still is a type of pot still square in shape designed to produce a heavier and oilers spirit. It is named after the Lomond Distillery where it was first used.
Low wines The product of the first distillation in the wash still.
Lyne Arm Pertaining to pot stills this is the pipe which slants from the head of the still to condenser or worm along which the alcoholic vapours travel.
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Word Remark / explanation
Malt Barley whose starch content has turned to sugar. Malting is the process of bringing this about on a floor (rare) in a Saladin box (very rare) or like now in large drums.
Mash A Sweet yellow / brown liquid containing sugars extracted from the crushed grains that is cooled before passing into fermenter.
The mash is the product of the mixing of grist with hot water in the mashtun, which will eventually become wort when it will be drawn off at the end of the process. Imagine a very sweet beer without alcohol.
Mash Tub The large metal vessel in which milled grains (grist) are added to hot water in order to soluabelize all grain starch in preparation for fermentation.
Mash Tub is in Scottish also known as Mash Tun.
Mash Tun The Scottish name of Mash Tub. It is a large circular tank, usually of wood, copper, cast-iron or stainless steel in which the grist is mashed with hot water. (It is similar to the way that tea is mashed with hot water.) in order to dissolve all fermentable sugar. The tun is operated by the "mashman".
Mature or
A whisky will mature og go through maturation also known as ageing. The process through which the whisky contained in its cask acquires its character. (Like the process when wine is in the bottle – whisky will NOT mature in a bottle.). Some unfavourable components are eliminated through evaporation, at the same time as take place some complex exchanges between the spirit and the cask's wood, which are beneficial to the whisky's character and balance.
Whiskies like Macallan matures in Sherry casks and you are actually able to taste a hint of sherry !
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Word Remark / explanation
New make Newly made spirit and yet perfectly clear. Has not yet been matured and is therefore not entitled to be called whisky.
Nose Also known as the aroma of the whisky.
Noser One a distillery it is one who smells whisky usually within the distillery or for the distilling company to ensure that its quality meets the required standard.
Nosing Whisky is assessed by sniffing the aromas rather than actually tasting it.
Read more about it on our : tasting and smelling whisky page.
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Word Remark / explanation
Organic Whisky Made only from barley grown in ground free of inorganic fertilizer and a treated with non chemical peticides.
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Word Remark / explanation
Peat Compustible dark brown sometimes black fuel made from compressed vegatable matter but soft enough to be cut from bogs. Producers pungent smoke known as peat-reek which is sometimes used in the malting of barley especially on the Scottish island of Islay. Water used indistilaltion that has run over peat will also pick up certain peaty character traints.
Peated Malt Malt whisky showing strong smoky flavour characteristics peculiar to the spirit made from barley kiln dried with peat.
Pot still A Classic still for double.distilling malt whisky.
Containers usually made of copper occasionally stainless steel used for the purpose of distilling.
Price What is the price and value of whisky
It's an open market , try to check some of our hints on this page.
Proof A system of defining alcoholic strength. Proof spirit is that which at a temperature of 51F (11,5C) weighs twelve thirteenths that of an equal volume of distilled water at the same temperature. and this is said to be 100% Proof.
Such a mixture would be 57,1 % alcohol and 42,9% water.
The measurement of proof gallons has now given way to liters of pure alcohol. One LPA (Litres of pure Alcohol) beeing 0,386 imperial proof gallons. The new European Union standard is more logical system of expressing alcoholic strength as per centage volume. In another word the it is the volume of alcohol in a mixture expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the mixture. Standard bottlings are now usually made at 40% alcohol by volume, the legal minimum strength for whisky.
You may also se bottlings marked as 80 proof and 40% vol alcohol or 80% abv = 160 Proof
Se also IOLM (International Organisation of Legal Metrology) and Proof Gallon.

The alcohol content of spirits is usually given in terms of "proof", an archaic term inherited from early distillers of fermentation alcohol.
In England the "proof" was to pour some of the spirit over gunpowder, and ignite the spirit; at or above a limiting concentration (eleven parts of alcohol by volume to ten parts of water) the gunpowder would explode. Inasmuch as volumes were much easier to measure accurately than weights, before the development of precise balances and scales, this cumbersome measurement of alcohol persisted, even though there is a considerable volume change on mixing ethyl alcohol (ethanol) with water.
What they mean by the volume change is that if you add x ml alcohol to y ml water, the resultant mixture is NOT x+y ml. This meant that in many instances, the calculation of proof was very approximate and not very accurate, especially if they diluted the spirit at any time. Spirits on sale are usually 40% alcohol or around that area. 40% is 70 proof.
In the US the proof is twice the alcohol content by volume, thus 188° proof contains 94% alcohol by volume.
A simple calculation should tell you that 100 proof is around 50% alcohol – but do check that!
By the way, the word alcohol is derived from Arabic

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Word Remark / explanation
Quaich Derives from the gaelic word "cuach" a drinking bowl (tureen).
An ancient two-handled Celtic drinking vessel which now is synonymous with whisky.
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Word Remark / explanation
Rare Sales trick – indicates that it is not produced in the same quantity or perhaps that it is from a dismalted or closed distillery.
Refill Refers normaly to casks which have already been used once for whisky and are being pressed into service again.
In private it may be the most used "word" you would use when visiting the bartender.
Rummager Only found in coal fired pot stills, a mehanical devise consisting of arms and chains which fotate within the bottom of the still in order to prevent solids sticking to the botton and burning in the direct heat.
Run Run or Runnings is the colourless spirit at various strengh and purity which passes from the still through the spirit safe via the condensing apparatus.
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Word Remark / explanation
Saladin Box Trough-like container, named after its French inventor, in which barley germinates while being turned by mechanical rather than manual means.
Scotch In order to be called or named Scotch a whisky must be at least 3 years old , matured for at least 3 years IN Scotland.
Scotch Whisky is spelled without an "e" (Whiskey) – So if you find a bottle with title Scotch Whiskey it is proberly some kind of copy product.
Silent season Annual summertime lay-off period in distilleries when production was suspended due to lack of water.
Slainte Cheers in Gaelic – Slainte Mhor is after what we have been told same as "Cheers even more" or a return of Slainte back.
Spirit Still The Spirit Still is the second still (or perhaps even the third – when a whisky is triple distilled) which takes the high wines from the previous still and re-distils them.
It is from this final distillation that the potable spirit is entered into cask.
Steep Tank found at a maltings in which barley is soaked » steeped « in cold water to begin the process of germination and then malting.
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Word Remark / explanation
Tails Also known as Feints. The last runnings of a still, weak alcohol.
Taste Why does a whisky taste the way it do ?
Thin Stilage The alcohol free liquid that remains when solids have been removed from the stillage.
Thumber A type of doubler contain water which vapours from the beer still passes through causing a noisy thumping effect.
This is normaly a US term the low wine vapours and are bubbled to produce high wines.
Top Dressings High quality malt used to give a blend extra depth and character. (This could eg. be an Islay whisky from Scotland.)
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Word Remark / explanation
Uisge beatha The Scottish / Scots Gaelic for aqua vitae also known as Water of Life in modern terms known as Aquavitae or in Danish as Akvavit. from the first part of which the word whisky derives.
Uisge Beatha is the Gaelic name meaning water of life (Also known as Aqua Vitae) and the derivative term for whisky. Uisce was corrupted to uisgey and then whisky.
(Try to drink A LOT of whisky – Put 2 fingers in your mouth and then try to say uisge = It may sound like whisky.)
Underback Underback is the intermediate vessel, situated right below the mashtun, through which the hot wort flows before entering the cooler which will bring it down to the adequate temperature required for fermentation.
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Word Remark / explanation
Value Now a days it is very difficult to set a value on a whisky / whiskey.
If you are searching for a value and valuation of your old bottle of whisky try out ?
Do you have an old, dusty bottle of Scotch whisky tucked away somewhere that you've always wanted to value?
Glenfiddich instant valuation tool holds the prices that many brands of whisky have fetched when recently bought at auction.
Try the online valuation at .
Vatting A term used for the mixing together malt whisky from a distillery or different distilleries. Likewise with grain whisky.
Vatted malt A blend of malt whiskies from two or more individual distilleries – entirely from malt whisky but from more than one distillery.
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Word Remark / explanation
Wash Wort after being fermented in the washback. Normally a liquid containing 7-8% alcohol which is sent to the wash still for the first distillation.
See also Beer.
Wash Still Does the same job as the continuous beer still. it it the first pot still used in the distillation process, producing high wines to be re-distilled in the spirit still.
Whiskey Different spelling of whisky, usually associated to products from Ireland or USA.
The change in spelling was to differ Irish / American whiskey from Scotch whisky.
Whisky Spirit obtained from the distillation of a mash of cereals at a strength lower than 94.8% normaly matured for a minimum of 3 years in an oak cask whose capacity should not exceed 700 litre and bottled at a strength of not less than 40% abv.
Worm A coil of copper tubing which is the continuation of the swan-neck top fo the spirit still. It passes through a tub of cold water which causes the distillation vapours to condense into liquid.
Most of the distilleries prefers these days to use condensers also made of copper tubes, but smaller in area used through not being coiled.
Wort Wort is the liquid which is drawn off from the mash tun. A liquid containing the fermentable sugars derived from the malt in solution.
In other words it is the liquid high in dissolved sugars which is the product of the mash tun. – a liquid sweetened usualy by malt by mashing and is cooled before entering the Wash back for fermentation.
See also Beer and Wash.
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Word Remark / explanation
X Waters X-waters is an ancient term for distilled spirits in Ireland.
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Word Remark / explanation
Yeast A living micro organism of the fungi family essential for the purpose of fermantation. Feeding on sugar it produces alcohol and carbondioxide as a by product.
Yield Yield is the final output calculated in quantity of pure alcohol obtained from one ton (1000 kilogram) of malt.
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Word Remark / explanation
Zzz.. The sound you'll make after drinking to much whisky.
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Word Remark / explanation
# / No. / Numbers
3 Years a Scotch whisky must be stored/mature in Scotland to legaly be called Scotch
or Irish whiskey must be stored/mature in Ireland to legaly call itself Irish whiskey.
12 12 Years is a very common age for Whisky to mature in order to obtain the best taste.
Some may be better even younger or older – but in average 12 years fits most types of malt whisky.
1000+ Daily unike ip-hits / visitors on this site.
2000 The number lots of spirits used on the bottles – Guess there must be : A Special Millenium Year 2000 Whisky out there somewhere.
Eg. you will find a millenium bottling of the six classic malts of scotland.
158919 The number of hits in 1999 on this site. (Thanx.)
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Btw: Please remember, this is a Non-profit – non commericial – non selling – Private Whisky site… 



AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society.

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Isla of Arran

Whisky lexicon / Whisky leksikon / Whisky Encyclopedia / Whisky Index / Whisky miscellany
over different whisky brands, with whisky pictures, whisky test notes and whisky information.


Scotch whisky – American Whiskey and Bourbon – Irish whiskey – English whisk(e)y – Japanese whiskey – Thai whisky – Blended whisky, Rye whisky etc..
In Alphabetic whisky mark / brand order.
Whisky (AKA : Uisige Beatha – Aqua Vitae – Akvavit – Livets Vand – Water of life, whiskey and bourbon)
Btw: We do NOT sell whisky ! – Prices on any of our pages is only a guideline/examples.
AWA is a non-profit / non-selling / private whisky sociaty / whisky website.
Want more info – check out our list over distilleries, producers and distributors !
If you are looking for a Whisky word, term check out our new Whisky Glossary.




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AberfeldyScotlandMalt(DCL) United Distillers3Yes
AberlourScotlandMaltPernod (Richard) / Campbell Distillers.3Yes
Ainslie’sScotlandSingle MaltAinslie & Heilbron (Distillers) LTD.1Yes
AlbertaCanadaCanadian Whiskyfrom Alterta Distillers
Alberta Premium
Alberta Springs
All MaltScotlandVattedBerry Bros and Rudd Ltd.1No
Allt-A-BhainneScotlandHighland SpeysideNot for sale at present time ?
Seagram Distillers
American CountryUSABourbon0
American PrideUSABourbon0
An CnocScotlandSpeyside(AKA: Knockdhu)
Inver House Distillers
AncestralScotlandSingle malt100% Sherry1No
Ancient AgeAmericaKentucky Straight BourbonAncient Age
Ancient Ancient Age – 10 Years old. 43%
Barrel 107
Elmer T. Lee
Blanton’s single Barrel
Hancock’s Reserve
Anderson ClubUSABourbonHeaven Hill Distilleries1No
Double Malt Whisky
ScotlandVattedSmall Concern Whisky Distillery1Yes
Antiquary, TheScotlandDe luxe blend.Owned by United Distillers.1No
ArdbegScotlandIslay – Single MaltHiram Walker / Producer : Allied Distillers3Yes
ArdmoreScotlandMaltAllied Distillers.3Yes
AsamaJapanBlendedOcean Whisky1No
AristocratUSAHeaven Hill Distilleries1No
AskaigScotlandSingle IslayMaster of Malt1No
AuchentoshanScotlandWestern LowlandMorrison Bowmore Distillers4Yes
AuchroiskScotlandHighland Speyside – Single Malt(AKA : The Singleton – The Singleton of Auchroisk.)3Yes
Auld Lang SyneScotlandBlendedBrought out to celebrate the New Year with a play on the word Langs
See also Langs
Auld SandyScotlandBlendedBalls Brothers Ltd.1No
AultmoreScotlandHighland Speyside (Isla) – MaltUnited Distillers2Yes
AvonsideScotlandBlendedGordon & Macphail1No
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B.J. HolladayBourbon1No
Baby Power, TheIrelandIrish WhiskeyJohn Powers & Son ( See John Powers )
BaileyIrelandCream liqueurR. & A. Bailey & Co., Dublin.0
Bailie Nicol JarvieScotlandBlended.MacDonald and Muir.2No
BalblairScotlandHighland NorthernSingle Malt3Yes
BallantineScotlandBlendedBallantine’s / Ballantines4Yes
BalmenachScotlandHighland Speyside. – Malt.(Used in Crabbie’s blends)2Yes
Balvenie, TheScotlandMaltHighland Speyside3Yes
BanffScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Deveron)2Yes
BarclayUSABourbonSee Barton Brands Ltd.
Bardenheier’s Rare Scots choiceScotlandI have come across an unopened bottle of Bardenheier’s Rare Scots choice blended scotch whiskey.
It appears to be about 40 years old. Do you have any information on this product? The bottle indicates 100% scotch whisky distilled and blended in Scotland. Apparently John Bardenheir Wine & Liquor Company (St. Louis, MO) was the distributor. Any help would be appreciated. Norm Thompson Dupo, IL
If you have any information please send us an email.
Barleycorn ?Irish ??Ireland or Scotland0
Barrel ReserveAmerican?The Seagram Company Limited.0/1No
BartonsAmericanBlend and Bourbon
Canadian Whisky
Barton Reserve
Barton Premium Blend
Bartons Canadian
from Barton Distilling Company / Barton Brands Ltd.
Basil HaydensUSAKentuckySee also Beam1yes
Beam‘s ChoiceUSABourbon KentuckySee : Jim Beam – 5 Years old. 40%
Bell’sScotlandBlended.Scotch Whisky. By Athur Bell & Son.2Yes
Ben AlderScotlandBlendedScotch whisky – Gordon & Macphail
Ben NevisScotlandHighland Western – Malt.Nikka Company (Japan)2Yes
Ben WyvisScotlandHighland Northern – Malt.Only used within blends.2No
BenchmarkUSABourbon KentuckyBenchmark Single Barrel – 47%0
BeneaglesScotlandBlendedBlend of 100% Scotch whisky1
BenmoreScotlandBlendedBenmore Distillery1
Bennachie Distillery0
BenriachScotlandHighland – Malt.1994 first official bottling as a single malt.
10 years old from Seagram.
BenrinnesScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.? United Distillers2Yes
BenromachScotlandHighland Speyside Malt.AKA: Benromach Glenlivet
Gordon & MacPhail
Berry’s BestScotlandDe-Luxe BlendBerry Bros and Rudd Ltd.0
Berry’s Pure MaltScotlandVatted maltBerry Bros and Rudd Ltd.0
Big “T”ScotlandBlended and de luxeBig T from Tomatin Distillery Company.2No
Bishop’s MaltScotlandBlendedVatted Malt – Islay.0
BL Gold LabelScotlandBlendedBulloch Lade and Co Ltd.0
Black and WhiteScotlandBlendedBlack & White / United Distillers.1No
Black Barrel Single GrainScotlandGrain whisky.William Grant and Sons Ltd.0
Black BottleScotlandBlendedAllied Distillers1No
Black BushIrishBlended.Old Bushmills Distillery.
Black BottleScotlandBlended.Allied Distillers0
Black CatThailandBlendedThai whisky0
Black CockScotlandBlendedBlend from Burn Steward0
Black DouglasScotland?from Seagram0
Black EagleScotlandBlended0
Black HorseItalyBlended Pure GrainLic. UTF 155/TV Monastier Di Treviso0
Black Jack? Local?Seagram0
Black Nikka WhiskyJapanJapanese WhiskySee Nikka
Black PrinceScotlandBlended12 Years old.0
Black RibbonSwedenVatted Malt10 Years old.
Thanx to Bosse Axelson – Bozo’s Whisky Links
Black VelvetCanadianCanadian WhiskySee Barton Brands Ltd.0
Black WatchScotlandBlendedKnown throughout the world until 1997 as Seagram’s popular dram 100 Pipers.0
Black-50JapanJapanese WhiskySee Nikka
Blackadder Single CaskScotlandSpeysideBlackadder0
BladnochScotlandLowland South (Borders) – Malt.The most southerly of Scotland’s distilleries.3Yes
Blair AtholScotlandHighland Central – Malt.(The village is spelled Atholl)3Yes
BlairfindyScotlandSingle SpeysideBlackadder International0No
BlairMhorScotlandVattedInver House Distillers1Yes
Single Barrel bourbon
USAKentucky Bourbon46,5%.
Honored by Lane Report Magazine as World’s Best Bourbon 3 years in a row.
Blenders Pride? Local?Seagram0
Blue HangerScotlandBlendedBerry Bros. & Rudd.0
Booker’sAmericanKentucky BourbonBooker’s Kentucky
Bourbon (126,5 Proof) – 7 Years old – 63,25%
Boston Club? Local?Seagram0
Boston Five Star, Mr.CanadaCanadian WhiskySee Mr. Boston Five Star
see Barton Brands Ltd.
Bow StreetIrelandSingle distillery
Irish whiskey.
Bow Street Distillery0
Garanteed Pure and the Produce of the Jewish Colonies in Palastine.0No
Brackla, RoyalScotlandHighland Speyside(Findhorn Valley)
See Royal Brackla
BraemarScotlandBlendedGrant MacDonald & Co.0
Braes of GlenlivetScotlandHighland Speyside (Livet) – Malt.Old Norse (Hillside or steep bank)3Yes
BraevalScotlandCaskSee Braes of Glenlivet0
BraevalScotlandHighland Speyside (Livet) – Malt.Originally called Braes of Glenlivet
Breath of AdelphiScotlandBlended0
Brig O’ PerthScotlandBlend0
BroraScotlandNorthern Highland MaltDistillery closed in the early 1980s
Earlier times been called Clynelish.
Bruchana’sScotlandBlendedBruchanas is distilled at the Dalwhinnie distillery.0
BruichladdichScotlandSingle Islay Malt – Malt.(Loch Indaal)
10 Years old & 15 Years old / 43%.
Bulloch Lade Gold LabelScotlandBlendedBL Lade Gold Label
Bulloch Lade and Co Ltd.
BunnahabhainScotlandIslay – Malt.12 Years old Malt.3Yes
Burke’s SelectCanadaCanadian Whiskyfrom Corby0
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C. W. Hirsch ReserveUSAKentucky16 Years old – 45,8%0
C. W. Hirsch ReserveUSAKentucky19 Years old. – 46,5%0
Cabin StillAmericanKentucky Straight BourbonCabin Still Distillery0
Cadenhead’s PutachiesideScotlandLiqueur WhiskyWm Cadenhead, Aberdeen0
Cameron BrigScotlandGrainCameronbridge Distillery.1No
Campletown LochScotlandBlended0
Canadian ClubCanadian.Canadian Rye (Bourbon)Canadian Club they are in reality Canadian Rye Wiskey just as the other Canadian products.0Yes
Canadian Club ClassicCanadian.Canadian Rye Wiskey12 Years. : 2 – Yes2Yes
Canadian ClubCanadian.Canadian Rye Wiskey15 years and 20 years old0
Canadian CompanyCanadianCanadian whiskyThe label is owned by Rider.0
Canadian HostCanadaCanadian WhiskySee Barton Brands Ltd.
Canadian LtdCanadaCanadian WhiskySee Barton Brands Ltd.
Canadian MistCanadaCanadian whisky1Yes
Canadian SupremeCanadaCanadian WhiskySee Barton Brands Ltd.
Caol IlaScotlandIslay – Malt.12 Years Old. (Alias Glen Isla)2No
CaperdonichScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.2No
Captain’s TableCanadaCanadian WhiskyFrom McGuiness0
Cardels Schess.?(Sikkert stavet forkert : CP. ? Hvad siger du ?)
Is it spelled correct ? : CP ???
CardhuScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(AKA : Cardow)3Yes
CardowScotlandHighland Speyside(See Cardhu)
CarolansIrelandCream liqueurT. J. Carolan & Son Ltd.0
Catto’sScotlandBlendedJames Catto one of the best known whisky merchant in Victorian Aberdeen.0
Century :
Chivas Brothers
ScotlandBlended100 different Malt Whiskies
Chivas Brothers 1801
Chivas Brothers The Century of Malts
CheersScotlandBlendedScotch blended whisky.0
Chicken CorkAmericaMedicine 🙂Kentucky Distillers and Warehouse Co. Inc.
Aged in wood for medicinal use.
Chivas Century
(See Century
Chivas ImperialScotland? (Blended ?)Recommended by CP.0Yes
Chivas Regal
Premium Scotch
ScotlandBlended12 and 18 years old.3Yes
Clan CampbellScotlandBlendedCampbells are one of the great clans in Scotland.
Clan MacGregorScotlandBlended
Clan MurdockScotlandBlendedMurdock McLennan Ltd.
ClanroyScotlandBlendedMcClellands Ltd.
Classic Malt of ScotlandScotlandMaltSix classic malts of Scotland.3Yes
Claymore, TheScotlandBlendedWhyte and Mackay1No
Club Bourbon,
AmericaKentucky Straight BourbonBellows0
Cluncy??CP ???0
ClydesdaleScotlandHighland Malt – Distillery demolished.?%2No
ClynelishScotlandHighland Northern – Malt.40%2No
Clynelish (See Brora)ScotlandHighland Northern
Clynelish 12 caskScotlandHighland Northern0
ColeburnScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.2No
ColeraineIrishBlended Malt and single grainThe oldest malt in Ireland2Yes
Colonel LeeUSABourbonBarton Distillery, The
Kentucky – See Barton
Columba CreamScotlandLiqueurWhisky Cream Liqueur blend of 5 single malts.1No
ConnemaraIrelandSingle MaltCooley Distillery.
Connemara Peated Single Malt
Connoisseurs Choice,
Scotland.Special editions (EG : Ardbeg.) and others
ConvalmoreScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.2No
CooleyIrelandsee Connemara
Copper PotScotlandVattedGeorge Morton Ltd.
Corby’s ReserveUSABlendCorbys / See Barton
Corby’s CanadianCanadaCanadian Whiskyfrom Barton Brands Ltd.0
Cougar BourbonAmericanAmerican Whiskey
Covent GardenScotlandBlendedThis blended whisky is at Campbeltown sold exclusively in Cadenhead’s shop in Convent Graden.
Cradle Mountain Malt WhiskyAustraliaSingle MaltSmall Concern Whisky Distillery
CragganmoreScotlandHighland Speyside Single Malt12 Years old. Classic Malt of Scotland3Yes
CraigellachieScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.2No
Tree Star
ScotlandBlendedWhyte and Mackay.1No
CrescentJapanJapanese WhiskyKirin Seagram0
Crested TenIrelandBlendedBy Jameson
Midleton Distillery, Dublin
Crescent? Local?Seagram0
Crown RoyalIreland
Crown RoyalCanadianCanadian WhiskyCrown Royal
Crown Royal Limited Edition
Crown Royal Special Reserve
All from Seagram.
Cumbrae Castle??Macduff International Ltd.0
Cutty SarkScotlandBlendedVery popular in USA !
Cutty Sark – Emerald
Cutty Sark – Imperial Kingdom Golden Jubilee.
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DailuaineScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Only used within Blended whiskies.2No
Dallas DhuScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Findhorn)2yes
Dalmore, TheScotlandHighland Northern12 year old, Single Malt. (Orange ?)2Yes
DalwhinnieScotlandHighland Central – Malt.15 Years. Classic Malt of Scotland.3/4Yes
David Nicholson 1843AmericanBourbonLouisville0
Daviess CountyAmericanBourbonOwensboro0
DeanstonScotlandHighland Southern – Malt.Also av. from Wm. Cadenhead Ltd.3Yes
Desmond and Duff De LuxeScotlandBlendClydesdale Distillery
Dew of Ben NevisScotlandBlendAssociated with distiller “Long John” MacDonald.1No
Dewar’sScotlandBlendDewar’s White Label1No
Dickel’s CascadeAmericanTennessee WhiskyCascade Distillery0
DimpleScotlandBlendedAKA : The Pinch
Owned by United Distillers
Directors SpecialScotlandBlendedH Stenham Limited0
Discovery Finest Scotch Whisky, OldScotland?Royal Jubilee Whiskies Ltd. or Gordon McBain Distillers Ltd.0
Doctor’s SpecialScotlandBlended0
DrambuieScotlandLiqueurSecret ingredients. Sweet whisky liqueur.1No
DrumguishScotlandHighland MaltSpeyside Distillery Co. ltd.2No
Dubliner, TheIrelandCream liqueurThe Dubliner Liqueur & Spirit Co., Dublin.0
DufftownScotlandHighland SpeysideDufftown Distillery1No
Dufftown-GlenlivetScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Used in Arthur Bells & Sons blends.2No
Dunbar? Local?Seagram0
Dundee, TheScotlandBlended.0
DunhillScotlandBlendAKA: Old Master
Justerini and Brooks.
DunkeldScotlandLiqueur12 years old.1No
Dunphy’sIrelandBlendedMidleton Distillery.0
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Eagle Rare
(101 Proof)
AmericaKentucky Straight Bourbon
10 Years old – 50,5 %0
Early Times Kentucky
Straight Bourbon
AmericanBourbonA note from Dennis McCarthy
Early Times does not fit the legal definition of ‘Bourbon’ although it did many years ago. It is ‘Kentucky Whiskey’
EblanaIrelandLiqueurCooley Distillery.0
Edinburgh CastleScotlandBlended0
EdradourScotlandHighland Southern – Malt.The smallest still in Scotland.4Yes
Primium Whisky
JapanJapanese WhiskyKirin Seagram
EmmetsIrelandCream liqueurR. & J. Emmet & Co., Dublin.0
Evan WilliamsAmericanKentucky Straight BourbonKentycky’s First Distiller0
Exec, TheScotlandHighland maltCornes & Company Limited.0
Ezra BrooksAmerican??0
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Fairlie’sScotlandLiqueur24% Light Highland Liqueur.0
Famous Grouse, TheScotlandBlended2Yes
(See Old Fettercairn.)
ScotlandHighland East – Malt.0
Finest Rising Sun
Scotland Whisky
Japan?A Copy Whisky.
(Not Scotch !!!)
Fleischmann’s PreferredAmerican.BlendFleischmanns PreferredNo
Four RosesAmerican.?Four Roses Bourbon
Four Roses Black Label Bourbon
Four Roses Single Barrel Reserve Bourbon
Four Roses Super Premium Bourbon
Forty Creek CanadianWhiskyForty Creek Three Grain
Forty Creek Barrel Select
Fraser McDonaldScotlandBlendedNo – It’s not a 40% hamburger.0
Frasers SupremeScotlandBlendedStrathnain Whisky Ltd., Inverness0
Friar RoydScotlandBlendedFine old Scotch Whisky – James H. S. Holroyd.0
Back to the top


George DickelAmerican.TennesseeWhisky / Bourbon
Old no. 8 or Old no. 12 brand etc.
Gibson’s FinestCanadaCanadian WhiskyFrom Schenley’s Gibson’s range0
Glen AlbynScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Inverness)
Distillery is closed
Glen AlmondScotlandVatted MaltHighland0
Glen BlairScotlandPure Malt1No
Glen CalderScotlandBlendedGordon and MacPhail0
Glen Catrine?Vatted0
Glen ClovaScotlandBlended0
Glen DeveronScotlandHighland Speyside(Deveron) se also Macduff1No
Glen ElginScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.White Horse distillers3Yes
Glen GariochScotlandHighland EastMalt2No
Glen GrantScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Malt2Yes
Glen Grant Directors ReserveScotlandHighland – Malt.21 Years old – Highland Malt.2Yes
Glen GyleVatted0
Glen HallyScotlandVatted MaltHighland.0
Glen HunterScotlandBlended.0
Glen IlaScotlandVatted malt0
Glen IslaScotlandIslay12 Years old. (Alias Caol Ila)
Glen KeithScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.0 Years old – Malt.1No
Glen KellaScotlandIsle of Man (Sulby)
Manx Whiskey.
Glen MhorScotlandHighland – Malt.(Inverness)1No
Glen MorayScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Macdonald and Muir Ltd.2Yes
Glen OrdScotlandHighland Northern
Single Malt
12 Years old – Malt.
(Systembolaget Sweden says it’s blended :)~
Glen RosaScotlandBlendedIsle of Arran Distillers.0
Glen RothesScotlandHighlands Speyside(Rothes)0
Glen ScotiaScotlandCampbeltown West Coast – Malt.1No
Glen SpeyScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.1No
GlenallachieScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.In the heart of Speyside1No
GlenburgieScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(AKA : Glencraig and Glenburgie-Glenlivet.)1No
GlencuparScotlandSpecial Blend0
Glenburgie-GlenlivetScotlandHighland Speyside(See Glenburgie.)
GlencoeScotlandVatted MaltMacDonald’s Glencoe0
GlencadamScotlandHighland Eastern – Malt.1No
Glencraig (See Glenburgie.)ScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.0
GlendronachScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Deveron) 15 Years old.
100% Matured in Sherry cask’s.
Glendronach Traditional, TheScotlandHighland Speyside12 Years old.0
GlendullanScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(AKA : Glendullan-Glenlivet)2Yes
GleneskScotlandHighland Eastern – Malt.Was a mojor component in Vat692Yes
GlenfarclasScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.J & G. Grant3Yes
Glenfarclas 104
Cask Strength
ScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Please refer to Glenfarclas0
GlenfiddichScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Dufftown) Pure Malt
Glenfiddich Classic
Glenfiddich Excellence
GlenglassaughScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Sweet – with dry aftertaste2Yes
(See Glen Ord)
GlengoyneScotlandHighland South West – Malt. (Western)Single Malt.4Yes
GlenkinchieScotlandLowland East – Malt.10 Years old.
A.Classic Malt of Scotland.
GlenkinlayScotlandBlended(Set i Kvikly !!! )0
GlenlevenScotlandVattedVatted from six single’s.0
Glenlivet, TheScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Seagrams
The Glenlivet 12-year-old
The Glenlivet 18-year-old
The Glenlivet Archive
GlenlochyScotlandHighland Western – Malt.(Partly dismantled / unlikely to reopen)1No
GlenlossieScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Lossie)1No
Glenmond Highland Malt 87ScotlandHighlands.0
GlenmorangieScotlandHighland Northern MaltHey a highland with some caracter.
Also availible as :
Glenmorangie Madeira Cask
Glenmorangie Port Finish
Glenmorangie Sherry Finish
GlenordieScotlandHighland Northern(See :Glen Ord : AKA Ord.)
GlenoraCanadaNova ScotiaOwner Lauchie Maclean1No
Glenrothes, TheScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Aslo a Glenrothes 84
GlentauchersScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Allied Distillers.1No
GlentromieScotlandVattedDrumguish Distillery1Yes
GlenturretScotlandHighland South – Malt.Cointreau SA4Yes
GlenugieScotlandHighland EasternNever official bottled.1No
Glenury RoyalScotlandHighland Eastern – Malt.East coast (South of Aberdeen)0
Gold & GoldJapanJapanese WhiskySee Nikka
Gold Classic? Local?Seagram0
Gold Seal WhiskeyAmericanMissouri0
Golden CatThailandBlendedThai Whisky0
Golden WeddingCanadaCanadian SchenleyCanadian Whisky
United Distillers Canada Inc.
Goldener SternGermany?Veb Barensiegel – Berlin.0
Gordon & MacphailScotlandVariesIndependent bottlings.
Gordon Highlanders, TheScotlandBlendedFrom William Grant’s brand collection launched in 1994.0
Grand MacnishScotlandBlendedMacduff Interntional.0
Grand Old ParrScotlandBlended12 Years old.0
Grant’sScotlandBlendedWilliam Grants1Yes
Grants FinestScotlandBlended0
Grants Finest 100 ProofScotlandBlended0
Grants, WilliamScotlandBlendedWm Grants – See William Grants0
Green SpotIrelandPot still40% – Mitchell & Son0
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Haig DimpleScotland(See : Dimple)
Haig & HaigScotlandBlended40%
Haig Gold labelScotlandJohn Haig – Blended Scotch whisky – Edingburg.40%
Hankey BannisterScotlandBlended Scotch whiskyOwned by Inverhouse3Yes
HarvardAmericaRyeKlein Bros, Cincinnali, O.0
HeathScotlandScotch Blended Whisky40%
Destilled blended and Bottled by Bruce & companu (Leith) Ltd.
Edingburgh Scotland.
Heather CreamScotlandCream liqueur.17%0
Heaven HillAmericanKentucky Straight Bourbon80 proof and 90 proof varieties (40% & 50%)
Widely available in the United States. Denmark?
HewittsIrelandBlended40% – Midleton Distillery.0
Hielanman, The
Old Liqueur
HiJapanBlendedSee Nikka
Highland & IslandScotlandBlended Highland & Islay.0
Highland FusilierScotlandAll Malt Scotch Whisky0
Highland GoldScotlandBlend0
Highland LegendScotlandBlended0
Highland MistScotlandScotchSee Barton Brands Ltd.0
Highland ParkScotlandIsland Orkney – Malt.12 Years old.4Yes
Highland QueenScotlandBlendedThe Highland Queen is named in honour of Scotland’s illfated monarch Hm. Mary Stewart.
MacDonald & Muir
Highland WelcomeScotland? ScotchMactay’s old Scotch Whisky.0
Hill and HillAmericaKentucky Straight Bourbon0
House of LordsScotland?Blended1No
House of StuartScotlandScotchSee Barton Brands Ltd.
HunterIrish ??Info from : roger.wagner@hyperstudio.com0/1No
Back to the top


I.W.HarperAmericanKentucky Straight BourbonI. W. Harper Distilling Company0
ImmortalScotlandBlendedGordon and MacPhail..0
ImperialScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Only found in independent bottlings.
Imperial Blue? Local?Seagram.0
InchgowerScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.The Inchgower distillery was built in 1871. and expanded in 1966.2Yes
InchmurrinScotlandWestern Highland – Malt.Produces another malt called Old Rhosdhu.0
InishowenIrelandBlended.40% – Cooley Distillery.0
InverHouseScotlandBlendedtry http://www.inverhouse.com0
Inver HouseScotlandScotchFrom Barton Brands Ltd.0
InverlevenScotlandLowland Northern – Malt.0
IoanScotlandBlendedOld Highland Whisky0
Irish MistIrelandLiqueurIrish Mist Liqueur Co., Tullamore, Co, Offaly.0
Island PrinceScotlandBlendedIsle of Arran Distillers Ltd.0
Islay LegendScotlandBlended de luxeFifty fifty grain and malt with Bowmore showing what it can do 🙂0
Islay MistScotlandBlended de luxeMacDuff International

(A special thanx to Gregers cusin 🙂

Isle of ArranScotlandIsland
Isla of Arran
 Isla of Arran

The old Isle of Arran was
Isle of JuraScotlandIslandAlso en af Grinulf’s favorites. 10 year, Malt.2Yes
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J & B JetScotlandBlended43% (Justerini & Brooks)
J & B RareScotlandBlended40%, 43% (Justerini & Brooks)
J & B ReserveScotlandBlended15 Years old. – (Justerini & Brooks)3Yes
J & B UltimaScotlandBlendedBlend of 128 individual Malt and grain scotch whiskies. (Justerini & Brooks)
J. W. CornAmericaStraight Corn WhiskeyJ.W.Corn Distilling Co.0
J. W. DantAmericanKentucky Straight BourbonThe Dant Distilling Company0
Jack DanielsAmericanTennessee whiskey(Not: bourbon)2Yes
Jameson, (John)IrishBlendedTriple distilled – Dublin
Jameson Distillery Reserve from Midleton Distillery
Jameson 1780 – 12 years old.
Jim BeamAmericaBourbon or
Straight Rye
Jim Beam Rye
80 proof (40%) Widely available in the United States. Denmark?
John HaigScotlandBlended40% – Please look at Haig
John JamesonIrish.Dublin (Look at Jameson.)
John PowersIrishBlendBlend of grain and malt–heavy on the grain
The most popular brand in Ireland.
John’s LaneIrelandSingle distillery
Irish whiskey.
John’s Lane Distillery.1No
Johnes RoadIrelandSingle distillery
Irish whiskey.
Johnes Road Distillery.0
Johnnie WalkerScotland.BlendedUnited Distillers Ltd.3Yes
JTS Brown Whiskey??In 1971 it became Wild Turkey

A request from :
I would like information on this Whiskey. They drank in the movie THE HUSTLER with Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason
If You have some info I would love to se it.

JuraScotlandMaltIsle of Jura ?0
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KaruizawaJapanStraight MaltOcean Whisky0
KasauliIndiaPure MaltKasuali Distillery0
Kelt MaltScotlandWhiskyVatted Malt0No
KenlochScotch/CanadianMaltGlenora Distillers
Nova Scotia ?
Kentucky BeauAmericanBourbonOwensboro0
Kentucky GentlemanAmericanKentucky Straight BourbonBarton Distilling Co. – See Barton
Kentucky TavernAmericanBourbonBarton Distilling Co. – See Barton
Irish whiskey
Cooley Distillery.2Yes
KinclaithScotlandLowland Western(Last builded still in Glasgow)
The distillery no longer stands.
King George.UK England.Scotch blend.The Distillers Agency Ltd., Edingburgh
Known sentence from the label : “Say when, Man !!”
Japan?See Nikka
KininvieScotlandMaltWm Grant & Sons Ltd.1Yes
Kioke JikomiJapanMaltLaunched by Suntory in 1992 from the Hakushu East distillery.0
Kittling RidgeCanada(Forty creek)Owner John Hall1No
Knob CreekAmerican‘Small Batch’ BourbonA recommendation from : Elmst23@aol.com0
KnockandoScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Single Malt ? Years. Depends of season.
(May 1997 – CP’s favorite.)
KnockdhuScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(To avoid confusio with Knockando, changed name to : An Cnoc)
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LadyburnScotlandLowland South West.0
LagavulinScotlandIslay – Malt.Island West Coast. 16 Years – Malt.
Recommended by Grinulf.
Also a Classic Malt of Scotland. : –
New Zealand
Single malt.Made in Dunedin (An old name for Edingburg)
Wilson’s Distillery
LangsScotlandBlendedLangs Supreme
Langs Selected
LaphroaigScotlandIslay West Coast – Malt.10 Years 40% or Cask Strength
15 Years old 43%
Laphroaig Cask Strengh – 10 Years old
Lauder’s Finest
Lauder’s Scotch
ScotlandBlendedMacduff Internatinal.0
Lauder’s ScotchScotlandScotchFrom Barton Brands Ltd.- See Barton
Ledaig (Tobermory)ScotlandMaltTobermory1Yes
Lem Motlow’s
AmericanSour MashJack Daniel Distillery0
LinkwoodScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Loosie)0
Littlemill.ScotlandLowland Western – Malt.8 Years Old. 40% vol2Yes
Loch DhuScotlandSpeysideThe Black Whisky1Yes
Loch Fyne, TheScotlandBlendedLoch Fynes Whiskies0
Loch LomondScotlandHighland South Western.0
Loch Lomond Campbletown.ScotlandCampbletown14 Y.O 40%0
Loch Lomond Highland.ScotlandHighland15 Y.O 40%.0
Loch Lomond Islay.ScotlandIslay18 Y.O 40%.0
Loch Lomond Lowland.ScotlandLowland17 Y.O. – 40%.0
Loch Lomond Speyside.ScotlandSpeyside15 Y.O. 40%.0
Loch IndaalScotlandIslay0
Loch RanzaScotlandBlendedIsle of Arran Distillers Ltd.0
Lochnagar, RoyalScotlandHighland EasternPlease refer to : Royal Lochnagar.
LochsideScotlandHighland Eastern – Malt0
Locke’sIrelandBlendedCooley Distillery.0
LomondScotlandLowland Western.AKA : Loch Lomond0
Long JohnScotlandBlendedLong John distilleries – Dumbarton – Scotland0
LongmornScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.15 Years old – Malt – 43%Vol.
(or 15 Y.O. 45%)
LongrowScotlandCampbeltown.(See also Springbank)1Yes
Lord CalvertCanadian0
Lucky StrikeCanadaRye WhiskeyAmerican Rye Whisky
Consolidated Distilleries Limited.
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Mac Na Mara
Mac ScotScotlandBlended0
Macallan, TheScotlandHighland Speyside
12-18-25 Years old
or vintage.
MacduffScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.See also Glen Deveron1No
Macduff, StewartScotlandBlendedMacduff International.0
MacLeod’sScotlandBlendedMacLeod’s Isle of Skye and Isle of Skye Blended, Isle of Skye 8 years old.0
MacNaughtonCanadaCanadian WhiskyFrom Barton Brands Ltd. – See Barton
Macphail’sUKSingle MaltSee Gordon & MacPhail
Maker’s MarkAmericanSmall Batch BourbonVol : 45%.
Maker’s Mark is more properly refered to as ‘Small Batch Bourbon’ rather than ‘Kentucky’
MannochmoreScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Lossie)1yes
Master Blend? LocalBlend ?Seagram0
McBain Special?Blend ?Gordon McBain Distillers Ltd.0
McMaster’sCanadaCanadian WhiskyMcMasters From Barton Brands Ltd. / See Barton
McMaster’sScotlandScotchFrom Barton Brands Ltd.0
Meaghers 1878CanadaCanadian Rye Whisky0
Memorial 50JapanJapanese WhiskySee Nikka
Michel Couvreur 12Scotch (France)Pure malt.12 Years Old Pure Malt.3No
Michel Couvreur Single-SingleScotch (France)Single-Single Malt27 Years old.2No
Michter’s WhiskeyAmericaSour Mash WhiskeyPennsylvania0
MidletonIrishVery rare.Triple stilled. 40% vol.3Yes
Migratory BirdBourbon.0
Millars Special ReserveIrelandBlendedCooley Distillery0
MillburnScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Inverness).0
MillwoodIrelandCream LiqueurRoyal Cooymans B. V.0
MiltonduffScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Lossie)3Yes
Mitchell’sScotlandBlendSpringbank distillery in Campbeltown0
MortlachScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Duftown)2Yes
MosstowieScotlandSpeyside – Malt.0
Mount VernonAmericaBlendNational Distillers Products Co.0
Mr. Boston Five StarCanadaCanadian WhiskyFrom Barton Brands Ltd. / See Barton
Irish Whiskey
Murree’sPakistanMalt WhiskyMurree Brewery Co Ltd.0
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Natu Nobilis? Local?Seagram0
Ne Plus UltraScotlandScotch de LuxeJohn Dewars & Sons Ltd.0
News 1000JapanJapanese WhiskyKirin Seagram0
NicholsAmericaBlended Whiskey86 proof
Austin Nichols Distilling Company
Nikka WhiskyJapanVariesNikka1yes
North BritishGBGrain0
North BrookAmericaStraight RyeQuality Control Distilling Co.0
North of ScotlandScotlandGrain0
North PortScotlandHighland Eastern.Closed in 1983…
The name indicates the North Gate of the small,
oncewalled city of Brechin.
North Port-BrechinScotlandHighland Eastern.0
Northern LightCanadaCanadian WhiskyFrom Barton Brands Ltd.
NorthlandJapanJapanese WhiskySee Nikka
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O’DarbyIrelandCream LiqueurJ. J. O’Darby Ltd.0
ObanScotlandHighland Western – Malt.14 Years 43% – Single Malt. Classic Malt of Scotland.3Yes
Ocean, Special OldJapan?Ocean Whisky0
Old BushmillsIrishMaltOld Bushmills Black Bush , Old Bushmills Red… (See Bushmills)
Old CharterAmericanKentucky Straight BourbonOld Charter Distilling Co.0
Old CobbAustraliaBlendedTaylor Ferguson & co. pty. ltd., Melbourne.0
Old ComberIrishPure Pot still30 Years old. – Comber.0
Old CourtScotlandBlendedCampbeltown0
Old CrowCanadaBourbon WhiskeyConsolidated Distilleries Limited.
Remark from Joe Keane :
In your whiskey list, you show Old Crow as Canadian. Maybe it is made there too, but the ones i see say “Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey” and “Old Crow Distillery Company / Frankfort . Clermont, KY”.
Old FettercairnScotlandHighland Eastern.2Yes
Old FitzgeraldAmericanBourbonLouisville0
Old ForesterAmericanKentucky Straight BourbonOld Forester Distilling Company0
Old Grand-DadAmericaKentucky Straight BourbonThe Old Grand-Dad Distillery Company0
Old Grand-DadCanadaBourbon WhiskeyConsolidated Distilleries Limited.0
Old HickoryAmericanBourbon0
Old KentuckyCanadaBourbon WhiskeyConsolidated Distilleries Limited.0
Old LandItalianFS says Yak0
Old Man of HoyScotlandHighland0
Old OverholtAmericanStraight RyeA note from Dennis McCarthy
It is ‘Straight Rye’ rather than ‘Pennsylvania,’ at least by American terminology.
Old Parr, GrandScotlandBlended – De luxePlease refer to Grand Old Parr.0
Old PotreroAmericanSingle Malt Rye124 proof (62%) Available only in a few restaurants in select cities right now.0
Old PulteneyScotlandHighland NorthernInver House
Please refer to Pulteney
Old PulteneyScotlandScotchSingle Malt From Barton Brands Ltd.0
Old RhosdhuScotlandHighland40% vol.0
Old Rip Van WinkleAmericanBourbonKentucky Straight Bourbon
Handmade Bourbon
Old RipyAmericaWhiskeyThe American Medicinal Spirit Company0
Old SmugglerScotlandBlendedBlended and bottled by Jas. & Geo. Stodart Ltd.
Distillers – Forres, Dumbarton & Glasgow – Scotland
Old Spring WaterAmerica?Bowling Green, town in South of Kentucky0
Old St. AndrewsScotlandBlendedNamed after the golfcourse in Fife.1yes
Old TaylorAmericaKentucky Straight Bourbon6 Years old.0
Old ThompsonAmericaBlendedBarton0
Old WellerAmericanBourbonW. L. Weller0
OrdScotlandMalt.(AKA : Glengordie or Glen Ord)0
Original Mackinlay, TheScotland.Blended.Invergordon Distillers.0
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PaddyIrelandBlendedMidleton Distillery0
ParkmoreScotlandStill closed1
PassportScotlandBlendedSeagram Company Ltd0
Pikesville SupremeAmericaStraight RyeStandard Distillers Products Company0
PinwinnieScotlandBlended de luxeInver House Distillers.
Moffat Distillers.
PittyvaichScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Dufftown)1Yes
Poit DhubhScotlandVattedPraban na Linne
12 Y.O 40% / 21 Y.O. 43%.
Poit Dhubh Green Lab.Vatted12 Y.O. 46%.0
Port DundasScotlandGrain0
Port EllenScotlandIslay – Malt.Western Isles – South shore.1Yes
Power’sIrelandBlendedJohn Power & Son., Midleton Distillery.
Powers Gold Label.
Pride of IndiaIndia?0
Pride of IslayScotlandVatted maltGordon and MacPhail0
Pride of OrkneyScotlandVatted MaltHighland – Orkney0
Pride of ‘the’ LowlandsScotlandVatted maltGordon and MacPhail0
Pride of StratspeyScotlandVatted maltGordon and MacPhail0
Prince of Wales Welsh
Malt Whisky
Private ClubPrahaSpojené Lihovary N P Praha závoo RICHANY0
Premium BourbonAmerican?Seagram0
Pinch, TheScotlandBlendedAKA : Dimple
PulteneyScotlandHighland Northern – MaltInverhouse
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Quarter WhiskyAmerican?0
Queen AnneScotlandBlendedSeagram0
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Rebel YellAmerican??0
Red DevilScotlandBorderlineBell’s 8 years old with Red Chilli Pepers.
Red HackleScotlandBlended5 Years old.0
RedbreastIrelandPot stillFitzgerald & Co. Limited.0
Regent??Macduff International Ltd.0
RittenhouseAmericaStraight RyeContinental Distilling Co.0
Rob RoyScotlandBlendCelebrate to outlaw Rob Roy Macgregor dates back to 19130
Robbie DhuScotlandDeluxe WhiskyWilliam Grant – Formerly known as Grant’s 12 years old.0
Robert BrownJapanDeluxe WhiskyKirin Seagram Ltd.0
RosebankScotlandLowland Central – Malt.1No
RouteJapan?Ocean Whisky0
Royal BracklaScotlandHighland Northern – Malt.40%.2No
Royal CanadianCanadian.0
Royal CanadianCanadian5 Years old.-0
Royal CulrossScotlandVatted.40%0
Royal HouseholdScotlandBlendedCan normaly only be found in Japan.0
Royal IrishIrelandSingle distillery
Irish malt
Royal Irish Distillery.0
Royal Jubilee?Deluxe WhiskyRoyal Jubilee Whiskies Ltd.0
Royal Lochnagar.ScotlandHighland Eastern.Single Malt2Yes
Royal ReserveCanadaRye Whiskyfrom Corby0
Royal SaluteScotlandBlended21 Years old.
Back to the top


Sang ThipThailandThai liquere / Whisky?1Yes
ScapaScotlandIsland Orkney – Malt.(Near Kirkwall)3Yes
Schenley AwardCanadaCanadian WhiskySchenley Reserve
Schenley Award (Blend)
Barton Brands Ltd.
SconieScotlandScotch LiqueurCambletown0
Scotia RoyaleScotlandBlended – de luxeGibson Scotch Whisky Distillers Ltd.
ScotsmanScotlandPure malt. Blended.8 years old. Pure malt/blended.
12 years old blended. 40%
Scottish LeaderScotlandBlended.Burn Stewart date from the 1940’s0
SeagramsCanadianVariesSeagram’s 10 Years old.
Crown Royal
Seagram’s 83
Seagram’s Five Star
Seagram’s V.O.
Seagrams Seven Crown – Seagram’s 7 Crown : American
Seven Oaks Canadian WhiskyCanada0
Sheridan’sIrelandCream liqueur.Tomas Sheridan & Sons.1No
Silk TasselCanadaCanadian WhiskyFrom McGuiness0
Singleton, TheScotlandHighland Speyside.(Se Auchroisk)
Singleton of Auchroisk, TheScotlandHighland Speyside.(Se Auchroisk)
Singleton of Auchroisk 81, TheScotlandHighland Speyside.(Se Auchroisk)
Smuggler, OldScotlandBlendedSee Old Smuggler0
Solan No. 1IndiaMalt WhiskeyKasauli Distillery0
Something SpecialScotlandSeagrams0
Southern ComfortAmericanBourbon2Yes
Southern CypresCypernBourbon LiqueurNo
Spey CastScotlandBlendedDe-luxe Scotch Whisky – Produced by James Gordon, Elgin, Scotland.No
Spey RoyalScotlandBlended2No
SpeyburnScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.(Rothes)
10 Years old. 40% vol.
Also from Barton Brands Ltd.
SpringbankScotlandCampbeltown – Malt.The only operating still left in Campbeltown.
See also Longrow.
St. MagdaleneScotlandLowland – Central.0
Stag’s Breath LiqueurScotlandLiqueurMeikles of Scotland.0
Standard SelectionScotlandBlended0
StatusJapan?Ocean Whisky0
Stewarts Cream of the BarleyScotlandBlendedAllied Distillers0
Stone Mountain
Very old Whiskey
AmericanMedicine 🙂Bottled in Bond0
Strathbeag??Macduff International Ltd.0
StrathcononScotlandVattedProduced under the Buchanan label0
StrathislaScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.12 Years old – 43% – Malt.
StrathmillScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.2Yes
Sunny BrookAmericaKentucky Straight Bourbon or
Kentucky Blended Whiskey
The Old Sunny Brook Distillery Co.0
SuntoryJapan(A Whisky Copy)Malt from 36 different Malts.
Suntory Pure Malt Whisky
Suntory Old Whisky
Suntory Whisky Royal
Suntory Special Reserve
Suntory Whisky Imperial
Suntory Whisky Excellence
Suntory Whisky White Label
Super Old, RareJapanJapanese WhiskySee Nikka
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TaliskerScotlandIsland Skye – Malt.10 Years old – Malt – 40%Vol.
(or 10 Y.O 45.8%).
A Classic Malt of Scotland.
TamdhuScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.In the heart of Speyside, between Knockando and Cardhu.3Yes
TamnavulinScotlandSingle malt.Tamnavulin Distillery / Tamnavulin Speyside.2Yes
Tamnavulin-GlenlivetScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Single malt.2Yes
TaysideScotlandIslay Malt0
Té BheagScotlandBlended.Te Bheag
Té Bheag Unfiltered
Te Bheag Connoisseurs Blend
TeachersScotlandBlendedStarted by William Teacher back in the 1830’s0
Teachers Highland CreamScotlandBlended.Allied Distillers0
TeaninichScotlandHighland Northern – Malt.2Yes
Ten HighAmericanBourbonBarton Brands Ltd.
TobermoryScotlandHighlandSome with no age statement 40% vol.0
TobermoryScotlandIsland Mull.2Yes
Tom MooreAmericanBourbonBarton Brands Ltd.0
TomatinScotlandHighland Northern – Malt.Tomatin Distillery2Yes
TomintoulScotlandSingle Malt.Tomintoul Speyside
Tomintoul Distillery.
Tomintoul-GlenlivetScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.Now only called Tomintoul1Yes
TormoreScotlandHighland Speyside – Malt.2Yes
Tree LancersCanadaCanadian WhiskyFrom Schenley’s Park and Tilford range0
TullamoreIrelandSingle distillery
Irish Whiskey
Tullamore Distillery
AKA : Tullamore Dew
TullibardineScotlandHighland Southern – Malt.2Yes
TyrconnellIrishsingle malt, double-distilledThe newest single malt in Ireland.1No
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UltimaScotlandBlended.Please refer to J & B Ultima
Green Stripe
Usquaebach ReserveScotlandBlended0
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ValleyfieldCanadaCanadian WhiskyValleyfield Schenley OFC1No
Vat 69ScotlandBlendUnited Distillers0
Very Old BartonAmerican
Blend / BourbonKentucky straight bourbon
Barton Brands Ltd.
Very Old Black and White HorsesChileA Copy Whisky.0
V.O. (Very old) Golden CatThailandThai whisky0
VictoryJapanesewhiskyA cheaper Sankuru Oceans 42% vol. whisky.0
Viginia GentlemanAmericaStraight BourbonA. Smith Bourbon Distillery0
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W. L. Weller
Special Reserve
AmericanBourbonW. L. Weller and Sons.0
Walkerville Special OldCanada0
Waterford CreamIrelandCream LiqueurIrish cream liqueur from Irish cream and Irish Whiskey.0
White CastlePhilippinesWhisky100% guarantied 5 years old. 🙂1Yes
White HorseScotlandBlended.United Distillers2No
Whyte & MackaysScotlandBlended12 and 21 Years old blends.
Special Reserve
(See also Old Fettercairn.)
Wild Turkey.AmericaKentuckey Straight Bourbon
Straight Rye or
Austin Nichols1No
William Lawson’sScotlandBlended.One of the few main blending companies to move from England to Scotland with success.1yes
William Grant’sScotlandBlendedWm Grants / William Grants

William Grant’s Family reserve
See : Grant’s

Wilson’sNew Zealand?Wilson’s Distillery
Windsor PremierScotland12-year-oldSeagram0
Windsor SupremeCanadaBlend
Canadian Whisky
from Alterta Distillers0
Wiser’s OldestCanadaCanadian Whiskyfrom Corby Wiser’s range.0
Wm GrantScotlandSee : Grant’s
Woodford ReserveBourbonproduced by Labrot & Graham Distillery in Kentucky0
WoodlandJamaicaJamaica WhiskyBottled and sold by Diamond Mineral Water Co. Ltd.0
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YamazakiJapanPure malt whiskySuntory’s oldest still. Founded in 19230
Ye whisky of ye monksScotlandDeluxe Scots WhiskyDonald Fisher Ltd0
YellowstoneAmericanStraight BourbonTaylor & Williams, Inc.0
YoichiJapanMalt WhiskySee Nikka
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# / No. / Numbers
No 10
Ten Year Old Malt Whisky
?MaltRoyal Jubilee Whiskies Ltd. or Gordon McBain Distillers Ltd.0
100 PipersScotlandBlendedChivas Brothers. – See Seagrams0
1492 BourbonBourbonHeaven Hill Distilleries0
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Last Modified 07/30/2006 21:24:57