

Dalwhinnie.Dalwhinnie 15 years old the labelDalwhinnie bottle and glasses - commercial picture




Location : Dalwhinnie, Inverness-shire. Highland Region. Drumochter pass 356 meter over the sea.
Country : Scotland
Type : Highland (Central) Malt. / Single-malt.
Distillery : Dalwhinnie, Invernessshire, PH19 1AB, Scotland
Tel: 01528 52264 or 01528 522208 (visitors centre)
Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (Highest distillery in Scotland.)
Founded : 1898 by Strathspey Distillery.
Age :  15 Years Old
Vol :  43%
Water : Allt ant Sluic. (Should be the pure'st water in Scotland.)
Remark :

One of the six – Classic Malts of Scotland.(Highest distillery in Scotland.)
A 15 year old gentle, delicate malt from the wild and windswept Highlands. It is subtle, smooth delicately smody malt with a heathery honey finish
Price (in Danish kr. 70cl. : Approx 350,- dkr.)

Taste : Medium Smoked !

Palate : Medium

Another picture of Dalwhinnie 15 year old whisky

LINKS………. to official Dalwhinnie or related web pages.
Scotch.com Dalwhinnie at Scotch.com
United Distillers South Africa. United Distillers South Africa.
P O Box 23104,
Claremont, 7735
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 613116
Fax: +27 (0)21 615973
United Distillers South Africa. Another United Distillers South Africa site.
United Distillers Switzerland United Distillers Switzerland
United Distillers SA
Rue de Cossonay 194 Case Postale CH-1020 Renens-Lausanne Switzerland
With a Click able map to distilleries
United Distillers UK - Careers. United Distillers UK – Careers.
Cherrybank, Perth, PH2 0NG

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