
  AULTMORE - Scotch Whisky


Location : 5Km from the city Keith. (North of Keith.) Grampian Region. (Near the River Isla), Aultmore, Keith, Banffshire.
Region : Highland Speyside. (Isla)
Country : Scotland
Type : Scotch, Highland Speyside
Keith, Banffshire AB55 6QY (AB55 3QY)
Phone: +44 01542-882762
Fax: +44 01542-886467
Founded : Built in 1896 by Alexander Edward (The Oban and Aultmore Glenlivet Distillery Co. Ltd.) 
reconstructed in 1971.
Owner : United Distillers
Producer :  ?
Water : ?
Remark : No longer sold as a Glenlivet whisky. 
The malt whisky is a component of Dewar's and the Robert Harvey's blends.

From the book 'The Scottish Collection' Classic Malts by Carol P. Shaw:
Tasting notes : A faintly peaty aroma leads into this smooth, fruity, well-balanced whisky which has become – deservedly – better known in recent years. Tasting rating = 3
Aultmore Distillery was established in 1895 at the tall end of the whisky boom by the owner of the older Benrinnes Distillery. The area, whit its abundant peat and water supplies, was infamous in the past for illicit distilling. Peat used in the production process is taken from a ber by moss, and the water is taken from local springs. The distillery passed to Dewars in 1923, and was improved and upgraded in the 1970's. It is now owned by United Distillers who have officially bottling its single malt in their Distillery (Flora and Fauna) Malt series since the early 1990's.


Aultmore 12 years old
AULTMORE - Scotch Whisky  
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : Single Highland Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : None at present time.

(May be down)

LINKS………. to official Aultmore or related web pages.
URL : Remark.
United Distillers Polska (May be down) United Distillers Polska.
United Distillers South Africa. (No longer online) United Distillers South Africa.
P O Box 23104,
Claremont, 7735
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 613116
Fax: +27 (0)21 615973
United Distillers South Africa. Another United Distillers South Africa site.
United Distillers Switzerland United Distillers Switzerland
United Distillers SA
Rue de Cossonay 194 Case Postale CH-1020 Renens-Lausanne Switzerland
With a Click able map to distilleries
United Distillers UK - Careers. May be down Check United Distillers UK – Careers.
Cherrybank, Perth, PH2 0NG

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Last Modified 10/16/2006 11:23:04