Caol Ila (AKA Glen Isla)

Caol Ila whisky distillery drawing

CAOL ILA (AKA Glen Isla).

Location : Caol Ila, Port Askaig, Islay, Argyll. Strathclyde Region.
Region : Islay
Country : Scotland
Type : Islay – malt whisky.
Distillery : 

Bulloch Lade & Co.
Port Askaing, Islay, Argyll PA46 7RL
Phone: 01496-840207
Fax: 01496-840660
Manager: Mike Nicolson
Visitors : Open all year from monday to friday (by appointment only) Admission charge redeemable in shop.

CAOL ILA DISTILLERY • TOUR TIMES (by appointment only)
April to October • Monday to Thursday • 09:30, 10:45, 13:45
Shop open 09:15 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 16:00
Friday Guided tours • 09:30, 10:45 • Shop open 09:15 to 12:00
Adult admission charge including discount voucher, redeemable in the distillery shop towards a 70cl bottle of single malt whisky • Children under eight years not admitted to the production areas
Tel: 01496 302760 • Fax: 302763 e-mail: • web:

Founded : Still built in 1846, reconstructed in 1879 and modernised in the 1970's.
Owner : United Distillers
Producer :  ?
Water : Loch Nam Ban or Loch Torrabus – A peaty loch about a mile away sends water across fields to Caol Ila.
Remark :

Caol Ila

also known as Glen Isla : The name is pronounced "cull-eela" = "South of Islay" 
The Gaelic word "caol" is more familiar as "kyle"
They use ex-bourbon and sherry cask's
The distillery have 3 wash stills and 3 spirit stills.
You will have a hard time finding Caol Ila as a standard bottling from the distillery, but you may find it from independent bottlers such as : James MacArthur & Company, Gordon & MacPhail, United Distillers, Master of Malt, Blackadder and Wm. Cadenhead.

Here's a swedish comment from a reader…:

Det här är en tämligen civiliserad Islay — ja, en adlig smak, kanske
man kan säga. Mycket god. Den förekommer faktiskt i en roman som jag gav
ut nu i höst, Gyllene Gåsen, som utspelar sig på en krog med samma namn.
I kapitel 2 presenteras krogens dryckesmästare, och där står det så här:

"Dryckesmästaren heter Katz. Hans uppgift är att smörja maskineriet. Med
samma glädje som han bär fram ett glas utsökt Caol Ila presenterar han
en stork stark och en törstig sjåare för varandra."

Ja, det kunde ju vara intressant att veta, tänkte jag…


Erik Andersson

Caol Ila whisky distillery logo

Caol Ila Bottlings

Caol Ila
12 years old
Sorry no Caol Ila picture.  
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Caol Ila remarks at present time.

Caol Ila
15 years old
  Caol Ila bottle 15 years old Caol Ila bottle 15 years old picture 2
Age : 15 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Caol Ila remarks at present time.

Caol Ila
Rare Malts
20 years old
Sorry no Caol Ila picture. Caol Ila cask strength 20 years old
Age : Vintage 20 years old
Vol : 61,18%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : From the bottler Rare Malts this unique 20 years old cask strength is av..
You can perhaps find a hint of Moor. You will discover that this whisky will turn into a green like colour when mixing with water.
Danish comment : Her finder du en whisky med et hint af lyng og et særsyn at den f.eks. går over i det grønne når den blandes med vand.

Caol Ila
Rare Malts
21 years old
Sorry no Caol Ila picture. Caol Ila cask strength 21 years old vintage 1975
Age : Vintage 21 years old
Vol : 61,18%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : From the bottler Rare Malts this unique 21 years old cask strength vintage 1975 is av.
You can perhaps find a hint of Moor. You will discover that this whisky will turn into a green like colour when mixing with water.
Danish comment : Her finder du en whisky med et hint af lyng og et særsyn at den f.eks. går over i det grønne når den blandes med vand.

Caol Ila
  Caol Ila vintage 1981 from Connoisseurs Choice
Age : Vintage 1981
Vol : Varies
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Caol Ila vintage 1981 from Connoisseurs Choice – Gordon & MacPhail.

Caol Ila – 1990 (40%) á kr. 450,00 Bernina Vinhandel ApS

LINKS………. to official Caol Ila or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.

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