Whisky in the jar

As I was going over the Cork and Kerry Mountains
I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was countin'
I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier
I said "Stand and deliver or the devil he may take ya"
I took all of his money and it was a pretty penny
I took all of his money yeah and I brought it home to Molly
She swore that she loved me no never would she leave me
But the devil take that woman, yeah, for you know she tricked me easy
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da
Whack for my daddy-o
Whack for my daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar-o
Being drunk and weary I went to Molly's chamber
Takin' my Molly with me, but I never knew the danger
For about six or maybe seven in walked Captain Farrell
I jumped up, fired my pistols, and I shot him with both barrels
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da, ha, ya
Whack for my daddy-o
Whack for my daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar-o
Yeah, whiskey, yo, whiskey…
Oh-oh, ya
Now some men like a fishin', but some men like the fowlin'
Some men like to hear, to hear the cannonball a-roarin'
But me, I like sleepin', `specially in my Molly's chamber
But here I am in prison, here I am with a ball and chain, yeah
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da, ha, ya
Whack for my daddy-o
Whack for my daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar-o
Whiskey in the jar-o
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da, hey
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da
Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da, ya

Nancy Whiskey (Irish)

Celtic Folk song: Nancy Whiskey

Nancy Whiskey
I am a weaver a Carleton Weaver. I am a rash and a roving blade
I've got money in my pocket and I'm going to follow the roving trade
Chorus: Whisky, Whisky, Nancy Whiskey. Whisky, Whisky Nancy-ohh.
As I went in to Glasgow City, Nancy Whisky I chanced to smell,
I went in and sat down beside her seven long years I looked her well.
The more I kissed her the more I loved her.
The more I kissed her the more she smiled.
Soon I forgot my mother's teaching, Nancy had me soon beguiled.
Now I arose early in the morning to wet my thirst it was my need

I tried to rise but I was not able, Nancy had me by the knees.
Well I'm going back to the Carleton weaving,
I'll surely make those shuttles fly,
For I made more at the Carleton weaving than ever I did at the roving trade
So come all you weavers; You Carleton weavers
Come all you weavers where ever you be.
Beware of Whisky Nancy Whiskey, She'll ruin you like she ruined me.

Song Farewell to Whisky

This song is traditional to both Scotland and the North of Ireland. 

O Johnnie, my man, do ye no think o' risin'?
The day is weel spent and the night's comin' on. 
The siller's deen and the gill stoup is empty, 
O rise ye now Johnnie and come awa' hame.

Bairnies at hame, they're roarin and greetin', 
Nae meal in the barrow to feed their wee wames. 
You're sittin' there drinkin' and leave us lamentin', 
So rise ye now Johnnie and come awa' hame. 

Who's that at the door that is speakin' so kindly, 
It's the voice of my wee wifie, Maggie by name. 
Come in my dear lassie and sit in beside me
now rise up my Johnnie and come awa' hame. 

Well Johnnie, my man, do you no mind the courtin
Neither alehouse or tavern ne'er were we in
We spect three days by the sweet-scented roses
And ne'er gave a thought on goin' awa' hame.

Ah well do I mind these times that ye speak of
Those days they are gone and ne'er come again
But as for the present we will try for to mend it
Sae gie's yer hand Maggie and I'll awa' hame

As Johnnie arose, he banged the door open
Sayin cursed be the tavern that e'er let me in
And cursed be the whisky that makes me so thirsty
so fare thee well whisky, I'm awa' hame.


Shubidua McaRine (Danish / Dansk)

Shubidua McaRine (Magarine) I’ll try to translate into English.
Shubidua McaRine (Margarine)

A kender en skotte der hedder McArine
han sejler en dejlig sø
han har næsten ingen penge
men det varer sikkert længe
inden gamle McArine er dø’.

McArine bor alene han er aldrig blevet gift
for en kone er for dyr i drift
og resten af verset kan jeg slet ikke læse
det er skrevet med en frygtelig skrift.

Gamle McArine har et hjemmebrænderi
han brænder selv sin whisky
tolderne siger McArine ikke må
men det vil McArine sgu’ da skide på.

Når han fyrer en sækkepibe
kommer slangen helt til live
ovre i Loch Ness
den er helt flad af grin
når den gamle McArine spiller den
fra Porgy and Bess.

Gamle McArine har et hjemmebrænderi
han brænder selv sin whisky
tolderne siger McArine ikke må
men det vil McArine sgu da skide på.

Nu kender I en skotte der hedder McArine
han sejler en dejlig sø
han har næsten ingen penge
men det varer sikkert længe
“inden gamle McArine er dø'”;

I know a Scotchman name McArine
He sailed in a lovely lake
his money is not very strong
so it wount be long
soon the old McArine is no longer awake

McArine lives alone never found a mate
a wife to expensive to date
and the rest is not possible to read
it written on a unreadable plate

Old McArine has a moon-shine distillery
he makes his own whisky
customs says he has to quit
but McArine woun’t give a sh..t

When he smokes the bag-pipe
the snake comes alive at Loch Ness
It LOL’s
when the old McArine plays the one from Progy & Bess.

Old McArine has a moon-shine distillery

he makes his own whisky
customs says he has to quit
but McArine woun’t give a sh..t

Now you know a Scotchman called McArine
Sailing in a lovely lake
his money is not very strong
so it wount be long
soon the old McArine is no longer awake

Yes I tried – to translate and perhaps to much whisky trying.. but for ya English talking it may makes sense-

The album was released as : Shu-bi-dua 4 in 1977/8.