Brora / Clynelish

Gordon & McPhail


Location : Scotland, Brora, Sutherland, Just of the A9 at Brora.
Region : Northern Highland
Country : Scotland
Type : Scotch
Distillery :  Brora
Founded : in 1819 at that time called Clynelish distillery. It was built by Marquis of Staford, son of the Duke of Sutherland.
Owner : D.C.L. (Destillers Compagny Ltd.)
Producer : United Distillers
Water : The Clynemilton Burn.
Remark : Rebuilt in 1890s by a firm of brewers and closed in the early 1980s.
The distillery had in earlier times been called Clynelish, but that name is now used for its new neighbour built just across the road in 1967.

From Mr. Buxrud's fine whisky pages:
Brora 1 is the same distillery as Clynelish 1. Brora 1/Clynelish 1 is pre 1969 and Brora 2 is post 1969. Clynelish 2 was build, 1968. Brora 1/Clynelish 1, build 1819, was rebuild and renamed Brora 2 in 1969 eg. a 'new' distillery due to the extensive rebuilding.

Brora was known as Clynelish until 1969. Established by the Duke of Sutherland, who had cleared his tenant-farmers off the land to make way for sheep. Having moved some of the inland farmers to the coastal strip, the distillery was established to create a market for the farmers' grain. Owned by SMD since 1930. Two stills.
After the modern distillery had been built in 1967-68, the old "Clynelish" re-opened in April, 1969, housed in the former mash-house, which had been rebuilt. It subsequently ceased distillation in May, 1983 . The old buildings are now used as warehouses and the visitor centre for the "new" Clynelish.


1972 Connoisseurs Choise
Sorry no picture.  
Age : Vintage 1972
Vol : 40%
Bottled by : Gordon & McPhail Gordon & McPhail

Brora 1975
Rare Malt Selection
Brora 1975 Rare Malt Selection  
Age : 20 Years old – Vintage 1975
Vol : 54,9%
Price 222,00 at The Whisky StoreThe Whisky Store (Germany)
Also Brora Connoisseurs Choise 1982 40% 92,50 DM and
Brora Connoisseurs Choise, new Label 1972 40% vol 145,00 DM.

LINKS………. to other Brora related web pages.
URL : Perhaps you'll find something at Gordon & McPhail Gordon &: MacPhail.
There is some Rare Malt Sellection at United Distillers Switzerland.

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