Glen Garioch 21 yo in decanter

Glen Garioch 21 years old Single Highland Highland 21 43 Morrison Bowmore bottling.

Glen Garioch 21 yo in decanter


Glen Garioch
21 Years Old
  Glen Garioch 21 Years Old green decanter in box Glen Garioch 21 Years Old the label on the decanter
Age : 21 years old.
Vol : 43%
Type : Single Speyside Malt
Price Ceramic decanter Approx 800Dkr / 685Pnd Tax free in London Gatwick Airport (Whiskies of the world)
Remark : CP got it as a birthday present but not his favorite.
It’s a cool decanter – very nice, but for some reason the outside looks better than our experince with the whisky inside. The taste is not that unique.
A mid range palate. Soft with a medium aroma and very Highland average whisky.
