

Suntory Hibiki
Suntory Whisky Hibiki - the bottle Suntory Whisky Hibiki - the label Another picture of the Suntory Whisky Hibiki bottle Another picture of the Suntory Whisky Hibiki bottle
Age : ? years old. No age statement
Vol : 43%
Type : Blended Pure Malt Whiskey
Price (in Danish kr. 70cl. : ?,- ) 
Taxfree aprox. 250,- 
In Tokyo aprox.: dkr. 650,-
Remark : Blended from the best 36 barrels of different malt whiskies.
The 24 stripes that are on the bottle / decanter is a symbol of the 24 hours in a day.
Personal taste: CP GI HT FS FR Average. Remark… Bemærkning.
Package/Info   06         Gold. Guld farvet.
Bottle 10 09           Flot glas flaske/karaffel
De 24 striber flasken symboliserer dagens timer.
Label               Papieret er håndlavet efter gammel japansk metode.
Prop ? Metal/Kork/ Wood.    09           Glas med kork og logo graveret i toppen.
Color               Medium.
Smell             Neutral.  
Taste   08         A bit sweet.  Lidt sød, let sprit !
Aftertaste   06            
Price/Quality   06            
