Whisky Catalog by Alternative Whisky Academy
This is a whisky catalog with information about the different types of Whisky, Whiskey and Bourbon, sorted by contry.
If you want to buy whisky please check this page to find a whisky shop -> http://www.awa.dk/whisky/wshops/index.htm
Sorry but have an estimated +5000 pages to convert and only +1000 reached ... (Working hard to update all pages).
AWA - Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society. (Private owner for private usage.)
We do NOT sell whisky or anything else.
Bagpiper Whisky from India
Bagpiper Whisky is an Indian whisky made by United Breweries. With annual sales of 17 million cases (estimated for 2009), it is India's largest and the World's second largest selling whisky.[1] Bagpiper whisky was launched in October 1976. Bagpiper whisky is based on spirits that are distilled from fermented molasses. Outside of India, such a drink would more likely be labelled a rum.
Produced by United Breweries Group