Whisky Catalog by Alternative Whisky Academy
This is a whisky catalog with information about the different types of Whisky, Whiskey and Bourbon, sorted by contry.
If you want to buy whisky please check this page to find a whisky shop -> http://www.awa.dk/whisky/wshops/index.htm
Sorry but have an estimated +5000 pages to convert and only +1000 reached ... (Working hard to update all pages).
AWA - Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society. (Private owner for private usage.)
We do NOT sell whisky or anything else.
The Hammerschmiede (in English: blacksmith) is a small whisky manufacturer founded 1985 in Zorge (Harz Mountains/lower-saxony) in the middle of Germany. The Single Malt which is distilled in the Hammerschmiede matures in different casks, like sherry-, marsala- or madeira-casks. The old warehouse of the Hammerschmiede was built between 1250 and 1270 in a late romanic - early gothic style. About 200 Casks are in stock today. The last release was a single pale-cream-sherry cask with 45.9%vol. matured more than 4 years.