Whisky Catalog by Alternative Whisky Academy
This is a whisky catalog with information about the different types of Whisky, Whiskey and Bourbon, sorted by contry.
If you want to buy whisky please check this page to find a whisky shop -> http://www.awa.dk/whisky/wshops/index.htm
Sorry but have an estimated +5000 pages to convert and only +1000 reached ... (Working hard to update all pages).
AWA - Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society. (Private owner for private usage.)
We do NOT sell whisky or anything else.
Source www.bbr.com :
The Invergordon grain Whisky distillery is located on the northern shore of the Cromarthy Firth in the Scottish Eastern Highlands.
Invergordon is one of the few grain whisky distillery in Scotland, located in the northeast Highlands. It was founded in 1963 and became a part of Whyte & Mackay in 1993.
It used to be home to the Ben Wyvis malt distillery, until it was demolished in 1977. Invergordon produces an original single grain distillery bottling under its own name, as well as several other independent bottlings. The aromas are of concentrated dried fruit with a bourbon-like vanilla intensity