Laphroaig 10 years old


Laphroaig .
10 years old
Laphroaig 10 Years old - 43% vol. Laphroaig 10 Years old - The label... Laphroaig Single islay malt scotch whisky 10 years old
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : Islay Malt
Price Approx 500,- dkr – 475,00 in Skjold Burne (Tidligere Amager Vincenter) (335,- i Kvickly efter afgiftsnedsættelse (2004)
Taste : Smoke and long aftertaste / palate.
Remark :

If you like Islay – Smokey whiskies. You can almost taste the sea.

Laphroaig enjoys worldwide acclaim and is known as the definitive Islay Malt Whisky to which malt appreciators will graduate. It epitomises the taste of Islay – characterful, rich, smoky and peaty, and is as unique as the island itself. Caledonian Distillers bottling.


Laphroaig 10 Year Old is an all-malt Scotch Whisky from the remote island of Islay in the Western Isles of Scotland. Laphroaig, pronounced “La-froyg”, is a Gaelic word meaning “the beautiful hollow by the broad bay”.

In making Laphroaig, malted barley is dried over a peat fire. The smoke from this peat, found only on Islay, gives Laphroaig its particularly rich flavour.

Laphroaig is best savoured neat, or with a little cool water. Roll it around on your tongue. Release the pungent, earthy aroma of blue peat smoke, the sweet nuttiness of the barley, the delicate heathery perfume of Islay’s streams. It is as unique as the island itself.

COLOUR Full sparkling gold
NOSE Huge smoke, seaweedy, “medicinal”, with a hint of sweetness
BODY Full bodied
PALATE Suprising sweetness with hints of salt and layers of peatiness
FINISH Lingering

10 YEAR OLD – Tasting notes

To taste Malt Whisky add a few drops of water to help awaken the bouquet of the malt and bring out the aromatics.

COLOUR Full sparkling gold
NOSE Huge smoke, seaweedy, “medicinal”, with a hint of sweetness
BODY Full bodied
PALATE Suprising sweetness with hints of salt and layers of peatiness
FINISH Lingering

10 JAHRE ALT – Verkostung

Für die Verkostung des Malt Whiskys fügen Sie ein paar Tropfen Wasser hinzu, damit sich das volle Bouquet des Malzes entfalten kann und die Aromen zum Tragen kommen.

FARBE Volles, strahlendes Gold
DUFT Sehr rauchig, Seetang, ?medizinisch?, mit einer gewissen Süße
KÖRPER Voller Körper
GAUMEN Überraschende Süße mit Nuancen von Salz und Schichten erdigen Geschmacks
ABGANG Langer Abgang

10 YEAR OLD – Note sulla degustazione

Per gustare il Whisky di Malto, aggiungere poche gocce di acqua per aiutare a risvegliare il bouquet del malto e a esaltare le piante aromatiche.

COLORE Oro intenso brillante
OLFATTO Fumo immenso, algoso , “medicinale”, con un accenno di dolcezza
CORPO Corposità piena
PALATO Sorprendente dolcezza con accenni di sale e strati di sapore di torba
FINALE Persistente

10 ANS – Commentaires de dégustations

Pour déguster le Malt Whisky, ajoutez quelques gouttes d’eau pour réveiller le bouquet du malt et révéler les arômes.

COULEUR or plein étincelant
NEZ fumée énorme, algues, notes « médicinales » avec de légères notes sucrées
CORPS corps plein
PALAIS notes sucrées surprenantes avec pointes salées et couches de tourbe
FINALE persistante

10 YEAR OLD – Observaciones sobre la cata

Para saborear el whisky de malta, añada unas cuantas gotas de agua con el fin de despertar el perfume de la malta y dejar salir los aromas.

COLOR Dorado brillante
NARIZ Muy ahumado, olor a algas, ?medicinal?, con un toque dulzón
CUERPO Completo
PALADAR Sorprendentemente dulce con toques salados y capas de sabor a turba
FINAL Prolongado

TIOÅRIG – Provningsanteckningar

Späd med några droppar vatten för att frigöra dofter och aromer när du avsmakar maltwhisky.

FÄRG Djup guldfärg.
DOFT Stor rökighet, tång, “medicinal”, med en aning sötma.
FYLLIGHET Fyllig kropp.
HELSMAK Överraskande sötma med stänk av salt och lager av torvighet.


Laphroaig 10 years, Islay 70CL 40,00 245.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig 10 Years 100CL 43,00 udsolgt hos Juuls Vinhandel
