Longrow 10



Longrow 10 years old
J and A Michell Co ltd
Longrow 10 years old J A Michell Co ltd - bottle Longrow 10 years old Campbeltown Single Malt J and A Michell Co ltd - label Longrow 10 years old Campbeltown Single Malt J and A Michell Co ltd - label on the back Longrow picture on the back of 10 years old Campbeltown Single Malt J and A Michell Colt - label
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 43%
Type : Single Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Longrow 10 years old Campbeltown Single Malt from J & A Michell Co ltd.

Longrow 10 year old Single Campbeltown Campbeltown 10 Springbank Distillery 46% A typical Campbeltown with a tendency towards Islay.
