
Cragganmore Speyside Scotch Whisky - logo

Cragganmore Speyside Scotch Whisky - logo


Location : Ballindalloch Estate, Banffshire. Grampian Region. – North of the A95 between Grantown-on-Spey and Ballindalloch, close to the River Spey.
Region : Highland Speyside
Country : Scotland
Type : Single Malt
Distillery :  Distillery Cragganmore Ballindalloch
Ballindalloch, Banffshire AB37, 9AB, Scotland
Phone : 01807-500202
Fax : 01807-500288
Manager : Mike Funn

Visitor centre :
Phone : 01807-500202
Fax : 01807-500288
Trade visitors and public by appointment only.

Founded : 1869 By John Smith. (Son of Geroge Smith founder of The Glenlivet Distillery.)
Owner : United Distillers. (Diageo)
Producer :  ?
Water : Craggan Mor Hill / The Craggan Burn.
Remark :

Cragganmore :

One og the six Classic Malt of Scotland.
A 12 year old elegant, sophisticated Speyside with the most complex aroma of any malt. Astonishingly fragrant with sweetish notes and a smoky maltiness on the finish.

They use ex-bourbon casks.
The distillery have 2 wash stills and 2 spirit stills.

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
Mr John Smith founded Cragganmore distillery in 1869 in the mountain district, high on the River Spey where it meets the Avon and the Livet. The distillery never closed for even a fortnight in any year up until the summer of 1901, when reconstruction began. The distillery was rebuilt in 1902 and expanded in 1964 from two to four stills.
An interesting feature is that the spirit stills have flat topped, T-shaped lyne pipes instead of the usual swan necks. The stills have cooling worms rather than condensers.
The distillery drains its water from the Craggan Burn, a spring on the Craggan More Hill.
Cragganmore occupies a site north of the A95 between Grantown-on-Spey and Ballindalloch, close to the River Spey. It was the first Speyside distillery to be located to take advantage of railway transport, the former railway line (now the Speyside Way footpath) passing the distillery's doors.

Sign to Cragganmore distillery picture from The entrance to the Cragganmore distillery picture from

Cragganmore Bottlings

12 years old
Cragganmore speyside scotch whisky 12 years old - the bottle Cragganmore Scotch Speyside Whisky  - picture from commercial. Cragganmore the label D and J McCallum Ltd Edinburgh Cragganmore - Another picture of the bottle Cragganmore bottle.
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : Single Malt
Price (in Danish kr. 70cl. : 395,- )
Taste : Scotch malt !
Remark : A bit smokey but still soft and medium long finish.

Testet : Yes

  • Color : Medium

    Taste : Sød malt.

    Eftersmag : Efterlader en let røget malt smag.

    Remark : God whisky – Dog lidt for dyr i forhold til kvaliten. Andre er måske ikke helt på højde med denne whisky, men de koster25% mindre i dkr. De 25% man betaler mere for denne, får man kun 5% mere hvad angår duft og smag.

    Total Score : 8

Cragganmore Highland Speyside Single Malt Speyside 12 12 Years old.
Cragganmore 12 years old (DCL) Single Speyside Speyside 12 45,7 DCL bottling (pre-Guinness) bottling.
Cragganmore 12 years old (UD) Single Speyside Speyside 12 40 The water is taken from the Craggan Burn. In the past, peats having been left to dry on the peat moss for a `year' were then stored in stacks for 3 years prior to being used. United Distillers bottling, one of the Classic Malts. Available in 70cl and 5cl bottles.
Cragganmore 17 years old Single Speyside Speyside 17 1976 53,8 Gordon & MacPhail bottling: cask nos. 3588-91 distilled 21st July, 1976.
Cragganmore 1976 Single Speyside Speyside 1976 40 Gordon & MacPhail bottling.
Cragganmore 1976 Cask Strength Cask Strength Speyside 1976 53,8 Available as 1976 distillings.
Cragganmore 1977 Single Speyside Speyside 1977 40 The water is taken from the Craggan Burn. In the past, peats having been left to dry on the peat moss for a `year' were then stored in stacks for 3 years prior to being used. The 1977 distilling will be followed by the 1978 distilling. Available in 70cl and 5cl bottles.

LINKS………. to official Cragganmore or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society.

The six classic malts of Scotland

The Six Classic Malts of Scotland. / With a link to a Scotland Midifile...

The Six Classic Malts of Scotland. / With a link to a Scotland Midifile...


Dalwhinnie, Talisker, Craggenmore, Oban, Lagavulin, Glenkinchie

The logo of Classic Malt's of Scotland.The Six Classic Malts of Scotland is carefully selected to best representeach of the mail whisky producing regions of Scotland.They embrace the full diversity of regional tastes and styles.Appropriately the Classic Malts symbol is the Quaich, which for centuries has been the traditionalScottish drinking bowl reserved for toasting the finest single malt whiskies.

DALWHINNIETALISKERCRAGGANMOREOBANLAGAVULINGLENKINCHIEAround the horn.: (Below sorted : From a bit sweet to smoked)

A 14 year old combining the sophistication of the Highlands with a touch of the peaty style of the Islands. 
It is rich and full-bodied with a mellow fruity finish.
(Ladies whisky)
Glenkinchie is a soft, sweetly aromatic malt from the 'Garden of Scotland'. 
Is has a fresh, grassy sweetness balanced with a warming, dryish finish.
A 12 year old elegant, sophisticated Speyside with the most complex aroma of any malt. 
Astonishingly fragrant with sweetish notes and a smoky maltiness on the finish.
A bit smoked.
A 10 year old and the only malt produced on Skye. 
Its seaweedy, smoky nose and sweet maltiness is perfectly complimented by its spicy, 
long finish.
DALWHINNIE A 15 year old gentle, delicate malt from the wild and windswept Highlands. 
It is subtle, smooth delicately smody malt with a heathery honey finish.
(This is Smoked.)
A 16 year old distinctive and powerful Islay malt. 
It is deeply smoky and peaty with a velvety, complex finish.

The Same Six Classic Malts of Scotland... (But another picture / and tune.. :) Another Classic Malts logo

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society.