The Ultimative Whisky link exchange

Links to other cool whisky pages – Whisky on the web.

Due to the size of the old page – this page has been changed (Split up).


(Remember to reload or refresh frame – for last minute update.)

Type Remark / Description                                                      
Total A TOTAL list of links to Whisky sites on the web. (Very big !)
Stills Links to Whisky distilleries, producers and distributors. on the web.
Stills2 This page is including other Whisky distilleries, producers and distributors including distillers not on the web – with snail mail adresses.
Selling Links to Whisky selling sites.
Danish Links to Danish Whisky sites.
Other Links to Other Whisky sites / Whisky societies etc.
Newsgroups Links to Whisky newsgroups etc.
Not related Links to Sites Not related to Whisky / but then again. (Like bookshops, travel info, accessories etc.)
Untested Links to Untested Whisky sites. (To be catagorized.)
New Links to New Whisky sites / inbound.


Not enough whisky links ? – Then try a search engine.

Let’s exchange links :
If you want us to add your whisky site, please send a short description, the url and name of the site, and mail it to : (Mail adress removed due to SPAM)
If you want to provide a button / logo yourself please make it in 70 x 22 pix, or send the url.How to add a link to our site on your page !

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