The six classic malts of Scotland

The Six Classic Malts of Scotland. / With a link to a Scotland Midifile...

The Six Classic Malts of Scotland. / With a link to a Scotland Midifile...


Dalwhinnie, Talisker, Craggenmore, Oban, Lagavulin, Glenkinchie

The logo of Classic Malt's of Scotland.The Six Classic Malts of Scotland is carefully selected to best representeach of the mail whisky producing regions of Scotland.They embrace the full diversity of regional tastes and styles.Appropriately the Classic Malts symbol is the Quaich, which for centuries has been the traditionalScottish drinking bowl reserved for toasting the finest single malt whiskies.

DALWHINNIETALISKERCRAGGANMOREOBANLAGAVULINGLENKINCHIEAround the horn.: (Below sorted : From a bit sweet to smoked)

A 14 year old combining the sophistication of the Highlands with a touch of the peaty style of the Islands. 
It is rich and full-bodied with a mellow fruity finish.
(Ladies whisky)
Glenkinchie is a soft, sweetly aromatic malt from the 'Garden of Scotland'. 
Is has a fresh, grassy sweetness balanced with a warming, dryish finish.
A 12 year old elegant, sophisticated Speyside with the most complex aroma of any malt. 
Astonishingly fragrant with sweetish notes and a smoky maltiness on the finish.
A bit smoked.
A 10 year old and the only malt produced on Skye. 
Its seaweedy, smoky nose and sweet maltiness is perfectly complimented by its spicy, 
long finish.
DALWHINNIE A 15 year old gentle, delicate malt from the wild and windswept Highlands. 
It is subtle, smooth delicately smody malt with a heathery honey finish.
(This is Smoked.)
A 16 year old distinctive and powerful Islay malt. 
It is deeply smoky and peaty with a velvety, complex finish.

The Same Six Classic Malts of Scotland... (But another picture / and tune.. :) Another Classic Malts logo

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