The whisky story

An Old Smuggler told
Sir William that he saw
Johnnie Walker take
Lord Calvert´s daughter
Queen Anne out riding on his
White Horse down to
Royal Castle near the
House of Lords. For a
Silver Dollar he laid her on the
Green Carpet with her
Bottom Up and tickled her
Old Drum with
Three Feathers. He then took out his
Long John which was hard as a
Canadian Club. He put it in her
Red Hackle and gave her a shot of
Cream of Kentucky which started
Wilkin´s Family.

AWA August 2011 news. AWA now on Android, Joomla and virtue mart – whisky catalog and more

2025 – Since VirtueMart is no longer free, this site is to be converted into woocommerce.
Sorry for any broken links that may occur while converting.

News on AWA August 2012

Upgrading website.. building next version of Android Whisky App, but spend to much time drinking whisky …

Ardbeg event in Denmark September 2012 with MH.

News on AWA September 2011

Starting to embed Google maps…

Updated Android Whisky App

August – 2011.

Created AWA Android Whisky App.

Added barcode to several whisky bottles and over 100 pictures on website.

See all whisky bottlings here or find the still by searching within the catalog (Down since virtue mart is slow and not available on Joomla 3.2 ! (select category)

The old Brands and bottlings (Whisky index) moves into the Whisky Catalog above. ( Currently you are able to Search in both. )

You can take a look at the “old” layout and site here

The old whisky index

Another cool Android app check




Laphroaig sign


We are at Laphroaig 03. September 2008 and August 2016.

Laphroaig signLaphroaig distillery
Laphroaig floor malting
Laphroaig still

Location : Port Ellen, South Shore, Islay , Argyll. Strathclude Region
South West Scotland
Region : Islay – Argyll
Country : Scotland
Type : Islay Malt Whisky

Port Ellen, Isle of Islay, Argyll PA42 7DU, Scotland
Phone: +44 01496-302418
Fax: +44 01496-302496

April to September • Monday to Friday • 10:15 and 14:15 by appointment
Tours outwith these times can also be arranged by appointment
Visitor Centre open Monday to Friday • 09:00 to 17:00
Tel: 01496 30 2418 • Fax: 01496 30 2496

Enjoy a tour with David Adams … book your "craftsmen" tour on 
e-mail: • or the web:

The staff counts around 26 people, 13 in production, 4 in the warehouse and the rest in administration.

Laphroaig visitor centre is nominated to recieve an AWArd…

Founded : Built in 1820s by Donald and Alex Johnston / Some sources says 1815
Owner : Jim Beam since 2006 (EarliAllied Distillers Ltd.)
Producer :  ?
Water : The Kilbride Dam.
Remark :

Laphroaig Islay malt whisky :

It#s about 50/50% that goes to blends vs. single malt. 

It is used in the Islay Mist Blend.
Laphroaig (Gaelic: "The beautiful hollow by the broad bay") has its own peat-beds on Islay and a beautifully-maintained floor maltings at the distillery. Its maturation warehouses face directly on to the sea.

Some of the Laphroaig goes into Chivas and Black Bottle as well. 

The distillery was built in the 1820s by Donald and Alex Johnston whose family name is still on the label. In 1847 Donald died two days after falling into a vat of partially-made whisky ("Burnt Ale"). There were no doubt more raised eyebrows when in the late 1950s and early 1960s the distillery was owned by a woman, Miss Bessie Williamson.

From the book : Malt Whisky – A contemporary Guide – By Mr. Graham Moore :
Laphroaig is one of the most, if not the most, distinctive of all malt whiskies and many adjectives have been used to describe it – medicinal, phenolic, tangy, oily, and peaty being just a few. For many it is an acquired taste, but one which rewards persistence.
Alexander and Donald Johnston were farmers at Laphroaig and set up a small distillery which became 'official' in 1826. Donald bought out his brother ten years later to become sole owner. He died in somewhat bizarre circumstances in June 1847 after falling into a vat of burnt ale. Following his death Laphroaig was leased to a trustee of his estate, Alexander Graham of Lagavulin. Johnston's son Dugald, was only 11 years old at the time and did not take over until 1857. Even then Lagavulin continued as agents until 1907, when Laphroaig was being run by Dungald's brother in law, Alex. After Alex died the new owners decided to terminate Lagavulin's agency and they considered the terms to be unfair. By this time Lagavulin was owned by Peter Mackie and the Johnstons took Mackie to court. He was so annoyed that he responded with a little landscaping work at the lade which cut off Laphroaig's water and resulted in another court case. As a parting shot, and following his experiments with the Malt Mill Distillery, Mackie made two unsuccessful attempts to buy out Laphroaig when its lease came up for renewal. The owners fought off the bids with the help of their new agents, Robertson & Baxter.
The distillery became a limited company in 1950 and from 1954 to 1967, when it was taken over by Long John, it was run by a Miss Williamson, who was in effect the only lady distiller in Scotland. In 1990 Long John sold Laphroaig to Allied Distillers. Refurbishment is in evidence in the stillhouse, and the tun room has stainless steel washbacks and a lauter mash tun. Some 90 per cent of production goes for blending, yet in the world single malt market Laphroaig ranks in the top ten.
The name is a contraction from the original Gaelic meaning ' the beautiful hollow by the broad bay ', and the distillery stands on the shore of Loch Laphroaig on Islay's south coast. The warehouses are right at the water's edge and between them hold in bond some 55.000 casks. The site now incorporates that of Andrew and James Stein's Ardenistle Distillery, which flourished briefly from 1837 to 1842, and included amongst Laphroaig's buildings is a hall where the local villagers hold their ceilidhs.

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
The Johnstons, who started Laphroaig distillery, were of MacDonald stock, being descenders of MacIan of Ardnamurchan. After the 1745 rebellion, three brothers of this clan came to Islay to farm – Roland at Corairan, Alexander at Tigh Cargaman, now Port Ellen and Duncan at Tallant.
Two sons of Alexander, Donald and Alexander, started farming at Laphroaig some time between 1810 and 1816. They started a small distillery there. Donald Johnston is entered with the Excise as Distiller in 1826. He bought out his brother in 1836 and became the sole owner. The land was then owned by the Campbells and he was their tenant.
Donald died in June 1847. He had survived only two days after falling into a 'Burnt Ale' vat at the distillery. Donald had been married twice. He left one son and four daughters with his first wife and one child of his second marriage. He left no will but had deposited in the bank at Bridgend £250 for each of the daughters of his first marriage. His son, Dugald, was then only eleven and there was no one to run the distillery. It was leased to Graham of Lagavulin for nine years until Dugald became of age to take over.
The trustees of the estate were the above mentioned, Graham and his cousin John Johnston of Tallant, who had married Donald's sister Mary. Dugald took over the running of the distillery in 1857 and the Lagavulin people continued as agents until 1907 when the agency was terminated.
Dugald Johnston continued as distiller until he died in 1877. He left no heir. As his sister, Isabella, had married Alexander Johnston of Tallant, he became the next Distiller and ran the distillery on behalf of his wife and her sisters. He died in 1907 having been pre-deceased by his wife, who had left her share of the distillery to him.
After his death there was a long court case which culminated in the distillery being inherited by his two sisters, Mrs William Hunter and Miss Katherine Johnston, and his nephew, Mr J Johnston Hunter, who was then Chief Engineer with Glasgow Tramways.In 1908, Mrs William Hunter's son, Ian Hunter, who had completed his training as an engineer, was sent to Islay to look after the interests of his mother and his aunt. Ian Hunter's father was a seed merchant in Leith and his Aunt was farming at Tallant Farm in Islay.
Because of various court cases, money was hard to come by when Mr Ian Hunter came to Islay. He had quite a struggle to keep things going, particularly as a new lease was due to be made with the owners, Ramsay of Kildaton. Mackie and Company, Lagavulin, had put in a higher offer to rent Laphroaig. However, eventually everything was straightened out and in 1921, the owners decided to sell the estate and gave the Distillers the first opportunity to buy the land. This applied to Ardbeg and Lagavulin as well as Laphroaig. Again Mackie tried to outbid Laphroaig without success. After the completion of the purchase, it was decided to increase the capacity of Laphroaig and, by 1923, the capacity was doubled and the Maltings, as they now stand, were completed. A new wash still and spirit still, duplicates of the existing stills, were erected.
About 1927, Mr Hunter decided to terminate the agency with Robertson & Baxter and sell direct from Laphroaig. He continued to do this until he died and his policy was carried on until Long John took over in 1972. The distillery had its ups and downs, particularly in the 1930's, but managed to struggle trough and maintain its good name in the blending trade.
In 1928, the Laird of Islay House asked Mr Hunter to supply whisky for his son's coming of age (now Lord Margedale) and it was then that the blend Islay Mist was created. It was thought that Laphroaig might be too heavy for everyone's tastes so a de-luxe blend of Malt Whisky and Grain was made up. It proved so popular that it was decided to market it commercially and it become known in many parts of the world as de-luxe blend with the Islay peaty flavour. It was not until after the WWII that it was exported in any quantity and McPherson, Train & Co. were appointed export agents.
Laphroaig continued to be popular as a Single Islay Malt Whisky and also much in demand as a blending whisky. During the 1960's and 1970's, under the guidance of Long John, the distillery capacity was increased without losing any of the old character of Laphroaig.
Mr Ian Hunter inherited the distillery when his mother died in 1928 (his Aunt died in 1927 and his cousin in 1922) and ran it as sole partner until 1950, when he made it into a private limited company with himself as Managing Director, Miss B. Williamson as Secretary and Director and his lawyer, Mr D. McCowan Hill as Director. Mr Hunter died in 1954 after a long illness (arterial sclerosis) and Miss Williamsson succeeded as Managing Director. She continued in this capacity until Long John took over control in 1967 when she continued as Chairman and Director until 1972 when she retired.
Laphroaig then became part of the Whitbread Brewing Empire, later called James Burrough Limited on the acquisition of Beefeater Gin.In 1990 James Burrough Limited was purchased by Allied Distillers Limited and thus joined Ballantines and Hiram Walker to become the second biggest whisky distillers in Scotland.

Laphroaig... (Look at the bottum for more pictures...) Laphroaig Distillery... some of our small Collection of Laphoraig pipes

Laphroaig .
10 years old
Laphroaig 10 Years old - 43% vol. Laphroaig 10 Years old - The label... Laphroaig Single islay malt scotch whisky 10 years old
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : Islay Malt
Price Approx 500,- dkr – 475,00 in Skjold Burne (Tidligere Amager Vincenter) (335,- i Kvickly efter afgiftsnedsættelse (2004)
Taste : Smoke and long aftertaste / palate.
Remark : If you like Islay – Smokey whiskies. You can almost taste the sea.

Laphroaig enjoys worldwide acclaim and is known as the definitive Islay Malt Whisky to which malt appreciators will graduate. It epitomises the taste of Islay – characterful, rich, smoky and peaty, and is as unique as the island itself. Caledonian Distillers bottling.

Cask Strenght
Single Malt 10 years old
  Laphroaig Cask Strenght Single Malt 10 years old
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 57,3%
Type : Islay Malt
Price 650,00 dkr in Skjold Burne (Tidligere Amager Vincenter)
Taste : Smoke and long aftertaste / palate.
Remark : If you like Islay – Smokey whiskies – Check this one out. Perhaps with a hint of water :-).

15 years old
Laphroaig 15 Years old - 43% vol Laphroaig 15 Years old - 43% vol - The label Laphroaig 15 Years old - 43% vol - The label
Age : 15 years old.
Vol : 43%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Smokey and long palate but a bit more soft than the 10 years old.
Also available as a Caledonian Distillers bottling.

vintage 1977
Laphroaig 1977 18 Years old - 43% vol - The Label Laphroaig 1977 18 Years old - 43% vol - The bottle.
Age : Vintage 1977
Vol : 43%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : None at present time.

Vintage 1927
Laphroaig 1927 - 80 Proof  
Age : Vintage 1927
Vol : 80 Proof
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Not much information about this vintage – found the picture somewhere cant remember where…

vintage 1967
  Laphroaig 1967 28 Years old - 50,3% vol. Label - Signatory Vintage
Age : 28 years old / Vintage 1967.
Vol : 50,3%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : This Signatory Vintage isn't available widely – so if you have it, you are one lucky b…..

vintage 1984
  Laphroaig 1984 - 12 Years old - Wm. Cadenhead 58,4% vol
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 58,4%
Type : Islay malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : One of many bottlings from the independent bottler Wm. Cadenhead. Matured in oak casks.

vintage 1984
  Laphroaig 1984 12 Years old - Wm. Cadenhead 60,3% vol.
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 60,3%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Here is one more from Wm. Cadenhead. Matured in oak casks.

Laphroaig Quater Cask – recommended by

Laphroaig Cairdeas : Available at the distillery

Laphroaig 18 years old. To be released early 2009 ( 48% or cask strength not decided yet.- sep 2008 may change.)

Laphroaig 10 years, Islay 70CL 40,00 245.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig 10 Years 100CL 43,00 udsolgt hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig 15 years Islay 70CL 43,00 545.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig, Highgrove House 70CL 43,00 1600.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig 30 years, Islay lev. i trækasse 70CL 43,00 2450.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig, Islay 1960 70CL 42,40 9850.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig Cad. 12y. 57,8% Bourbon Hogshead 252 btl. 1991 70CL 57,80 udsolgt hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig Sig. unchillfi. 15y. Refill butt 819 btl. 1988 70CL 46,00 495.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig cask 10 years 70CL 57,30 495.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphroaig, The Ultimate 1988 70CL 43,00 udsolgt hos Juuls Vinhandel
Laphoraig 10 years old – Cask Strength (57,3%) á kr. 495,00 Bernina Vinhandel ApS 


LINKS………. to official Laphroaig Scotch Islay Whisky or related web pages.
Lahproaig The LAPHROAIG DISTILLERY If you like Islay Whisky – Perhaps you want to try out :
Allied Domecq

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky sociaty.

, , ,

Caol Ila (AKA Glen Isla)

Caol Ila whisky distillery drawing

Caol Ila whisky distillery drawing

CAOL ILA (AKA Glen Isla).

Location : Caol Ila, Port Askaig, Islay, Argyll. Strathclyde Region.
Region : Islay
Country : Scotland
Type : Islay – malt whisky.
Distillery : 

Bulloch Lade & Co.
Port Askaing, Islay, Argyll PA46 7RL
Phone: 01496-840207
Fax: 01496-840660
Manager: Mike Nicolson
Visitors : Open all year from monday to friday (by appointment only) Admission charge redeemable in shop.

CAOL ILA DISTILLERY • TOUR TIMES (by appointment only)
April to October • Monday to Thursday • 09:30, 10:45, 13:45
Shop open 09:15 to 12:30 and 13:30 to 16:00
Friday Guided tours • 09:30, 10:45 • Shop open 09:15 to 12:00
Adult admission charge including discount voucher, redeemable in the distillery shop towards a 70cl bottle of single malt whisky • Children under eight years not admitted to the production areas
Tel: 01496 302760 • Fax: 302763 e-mail: • web:

Founded : Still built in 1846, reconstructed in 1879 and modernised in the 1970's.
Owner : United Distillers
Producer :  ?
Water : Loch Nam Ban or Loch Torrabus – A peaty loch about a mile away sends water across fields to Caol Ila.
Remark :

Caol Ila

also known as Glen Isla : The name is pronounced "cull-eela" = "South of Islay" 
The Gaelic word "caol" is more familiar as "kyle"
They use ex-bourbon and sherry cask's
The distillery have 3 wash stills and 3 spirit stills.
You will have a hard time finding Caol Ila as a standard bottling from the distillery, but you may find it from independent bottlers such as : James MacArthur & Company, Gordon & MacPhail, United Distillers, Master of Malt, Blackadder and Wm. Cadenhead.

Here's a swedish comment from a reader…:

Det här är en tämligen civiliserad Islay — ja, en adlig smak, kanske
man kan säga. Mycket god. Den förekommer faktiskt i en roman som jag gav
ut nu i höst, Gyllene Gåsen, som utspelar sig på en krog med samma namn.
I kapitel 2 presenteras krogens dryckesmästare, och där står det så här:

"Dryckesmästaren heter Katz. Hans uppgift är att smörja maskineriet. Med
samma glädje som han bär fram ett glas utsökt Caol Ila presenterar han
en stork stark och en törstig sjåare för varandra."

Ja, det kunde ju vara intressant att veta, tänkte jag…


Erik Andersson

Caol Ila whisky distillery logo

Caol Ila Bottlings

Caol Ila
12 years old
Sorry no Caol Ila picture.  
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Caol Ila remarks at present time.

Caol Ila
15 years old
  Caol Ila bottle 15 years old Caol Ila bottle 15 years old picture 2
Age : 15 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : ?
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Caol Ila remarks at present time.

Caol Ila
Rare Malts
20 years old
Sorry no Caol Ila picture. Caol Ila cask strength 20 years old
Age : Vintage 20 years old
Vol : 61,18%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : From the bottler Rare Malts this unique 20 years old cask strength is av..
You can perhaps find a hint of Moor. You will discover that this whisky will turn into a green like colour when mixing with water.
Danish comment : Her finder du en whisky med et hint af lyng og et særsyn at den f.eks. går over i det grønne når den blandes med vand.

Caol Ila
Rare Malts
21 years old
Sorry no Caol Ila picture. Caol Ila cask strength 21 years old vintage 1975
Age : Vintage 21 years old
Vol : 61,18%
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : From the bottler Rare Malts this unique 21 years old cask strength vintage 1975 is av.
You can perhaps find a hint of Moor. You will discover that this whisky will turn into a green like colour when mixing with water.
Danish comment : Her finder du en whisky med et hint af lyng og et særsyn at den f.eks. går over i det grønne når den blandes med vand.

Caol Ila
  Caol Ila vintage 1981 from Connoisseurs Choice
Age : Vintage 1981
Vol : Varies
Type : Islay Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Caol Ila vintage 1981 from Connoisseurs Choice – Gordon & MacPhail.

Caol Ila – 1990 (40%) á kr. 450,00 Bernina Vinhandel ApS

LINKS………. to official Caol Ila or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.

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AWA – Alternative Whisky Academy is a private, none-commercial, no-profit, none-selling whisky society.

Famous Grouse

The Famous Grouse Whiskey Logo.

The Famous Grouse Whiskey Logo.Famouse Grouse Whiskey bottle


Location : Perth
Region : Midlands
Country : Scotland
Type : Blended
Distillery :  Matthew Gloag & Sons Ltd. Perth, Scotland.
Founded : Established somewhere around 1800
Owner : Matthew Gloag & Sons Ltd. Perth, Scotland.
Producer : Matthew Gloag & Sons Ltd. Perth, Scotland.
Water : ?
Remark : The biggest selling whisky within Scotland.
The defenite article and the Victorian flourish is usually dispensed with by devotees who prefer simply to ordre 'Grouse'
It was for a time a 'cult' blend in Scotland.

From newsletter :
Famous Grouse Gold Reserve Gets New Look
New York, NY — Scotland's #1 selling Scotch has refashioned its Gold Reserve 12 Year-Old in new feathers. The elegant design of the new bottle, label, and gift box reinforce the brand's super-premium image and emphasizes its place in The Famous Grouse family, while the exceptional spirit within remains unchanged.

The new bottle is gently curved, reminiscent of 19th century Scotch whisky bottles, with the year '1800' embossed on the shoulder to symbolize The Famous Grouse's two centuries of heritage and excellence. The new high-gloss label depicts the brand's signature bird, allowing for quick brand recognition, while gold foil print underscores the brand's upscale positioning. The bottle comes in a sophisticated gift carton with embossed gold foil lettering.

"The new packaging establishes a consistent look for The Famous Grouse family, allowing consumers to easily recognize the brand," Assistant Brand Manager Cécile Mirman tells "With double digit growth of the core Famous Grouse brand in the past few years, our goal is to increase awareness amongst our loyal consumer base, letting them know that Gold Reserve is the super-premium selection in the family. With its high quality single malt content, Gold Reserve is a very smooth and well-balanced Scotch which even surprises single malt aficionados."

The Famous Grouse is handcrafted from a blend of Scotland's most distinctive malts – including The Macallan and Highland Park – from the country's greatest single malt producing areas. Gold Reserve is aged for a minimum of twelve years in hand-selected oak casks to a superbly silky, rich blend. For more information visit their website at:

Famous Grouse BOTTLINGS

The Famous Grouse
Finest Scotch
The Famouse Grouse, Finest Scotch whisky.  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : 40%
Price Danish kr. 70 cls. below 200,-
Danish remark :

Den mest efterspurgte Scotch Whisky i Skotland. Blendet af kun de fineste kvaliteter Maltwhisky og Grainwhisky. Efterlagret på egefade i minimum seks måneder. Hvert destillat gennemgår over 6000 kvalitetsprøver. Den skotske rype (Lagopus, Lagopus Scoticus) er Skotlands national fugl. Rypen er samtidig det stolte symbol på en enestående Whisky – The Famous Grouse, Finest Scotch.

The Famous Grouse Gold Reserve
12 -Years Old
The Famouse Grouse Gold Reserve whisky.  
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 43%
Price ?
Danish remark : The Famous Grouse Gold Reserve er et 12-års blende. Dette betyder, at hvert eneste element i blendet d.v.s. Grainwhiskies og Maltwhiskies er mindst 12 år. Men ligesom for The Famous Grouse Finest gælder det, at maltkvaliteterne er langt ældre end normen, d.v.s. 12-års, 18-års, 25-års etc. Disse Maltwhiskies kommer fra firma Matthew Gloags egne destillerier; The Macallan, Highland Park, Bunnahabhain, Glenturret og Tamdhu. Dette garanterer sikkerhed for levering på lang sigt og sikkerhed for kvaliteten. 
Produktet gennemgår efter blend den unikke efterlagring, som vi også kender fra The Famous Grouse Finest. Det vil sige, at når Grain og Maltwhiskies er blendet hældes produktet tilbage på egefade, hvor det efterlagrer op til 12 måneder.

The Famous Grouse
Vintage 1987
The Famouse Grouse vintage 1987 malt whisky, Finest Scotch whisky.  
Age : Vintage 1987
Vol : 40%
Price ?
Danish remark :  

LINKS………. to official Famous Grouse or related web pages.
Famous Grouse Famous Grouse
Matthew Gloag & Sons Ltd. Perth, Scotland.
A nice site !



Sorry no picture of Drambuie at present time.


Location : ?
Region : ?
Country : Scotland
Type : Liqueur
Distillery :  Drambuie
Kirkliston, West Lothian
Founded : ?
Owner : ?
Producer :  ?
Water : ?
Remark : From Collins Pocket Reference : Whisky
Drambuie is produced in the Lothians, having moved from its original home on Skye at the start of this century after the dicision was taken to produce the liqueur commercially. Drambuie ('the drink that satisfies') is chronicled – perhaps with a keener eye on marketing than history – as being the personal liqueur of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, Bonnie Prince Clarlie. After his army's defeat by the Hanoverian army to Skye with a few supporters. Among them was Captain John Mackinnon, a native of Skye, whom the prince is said to have rewarded for his loyalty by giving him his only remaining possession – the secret recipe for his personal liqueur.
Tasting comment : Based on a blend of secret ingredients, Drambuie is a sweet after-dinner whisky liqueur with a rich and creamy honeyed flavour complemented by fragrant, fruity notes.


Sorry no picture.  
Age : ? years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : Whisky Liqueur
Price ?
Remark : None at present time.

LINKS………. to official Drambuie or related web pages.
Drambuie Drambuie (Whisky Liqueur)
Kirkliston, West Lothian


Deanston 12 Years Old

Deanston 12 Years OldDeanston 17 Years Old




Location : Doune, Perthshire. Taiside Region.
Country : Scotland
Type : Single Malt, Highland Southern
Distillery : Deanston Distillery
Doune, Perthshire FK16 6AG
Phone : 01786-841422
Fax : 01786-841439
Manager : Ian Macmillian
Visitors : Trade visitors only
Owner : Invergordon Distillers Ltd. (Founded by Brodie Hepburn)
Latest info says : Burn Stewart Distillers plc.
Founded : Mill from 1785 – Still build in 1965-6 by Mr. Brodie Hepburn and Mr. James Finley % Co. on the site of a cotton mill est. 1785.
Water : Trossachs / River Teith.
Remark :  A bit sweet, best before dinner.
They use American and Spanish oak hogsheads and butts, some fresh sherry butts.
The distillery have 2 wash stills and 2 spirit stills.
Age :  12 and 17 Years Old (Also av. from Wm. Cadenhead Ltd. 14 Years Ol – 55,8%)
Vol :  12 & 17 Y.O = 40%
Price (in Danish kr. 70cl.)



Dalwhinnie.Dalwhinnie 15 years old the labelDalwhinnie bottle and glasses - commercial picture




Location : Dalwhinnie, Inverness-shire. Highland Region. Drumochter pass 356 meter over the sea.
Country : Scotland
Type : Highland (Central) Malt. / Single-malt.
Distillery : Dalwhinnie, Invernessshire, PH19 1AB, Scotland
Tel: 01528 52264 or 01528 522208 (visitors centre)
Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd. (Highest distillery in Scotland.)
Founded : 1898 by Strathspey Distillery.
Age :  15 Years Old
Vol :  43%
Water : Allt ant Sluic. (Should be the pure'st water in Scotland.)
Remark :

One of the six – Classic Malts of Scotland.(Highest distillery in Scotland.)
A 15 year old gentle, delicate malt from the wild and windswept Highlands. It is subtle, smooth delicately smody malt with a heathery honey finish
Price (in Danish kr. 70cl. : Approx 350,- dkr.)

Taste : Medium Smoked !

Palate : Medium

Another picture of Dalwhinnie 15 year old whisky

LINKS………. to official Dalwhinnie or related web pages. Dalwhinnie at
United Distillers South Africa. United Distillers South Africa.
P O Box 23104,
Claremont, 7735
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 613116
Fax: +27 (0)21 615973
United Distillers South Africa. Another United Distillers South Africa site.
United Distillers Switzerland United Distillers Switzerland
United Distillers SA
Rue de Cossonay 194 Case Postale CH-1020 Renens-Lausanne Switzerland
With a Click able map to distilleries
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Dalmore Whisky bottle. (1/3 L. from the taxfree catalog.)

Dalmore Whisky bottle. (1/3 L. from the taxfree catalog.)



Location : Alness, Ross-shire. Highland Region.
Country : Scotch.
Type :  Highland Northern.
Distillery :  Mackenzie Brothers since 1867.
Founded : 1839 by Dalmore Distillery.
Age :  12 Years Old
Vol :  40%
Water : Alness River (The only still allowed to drain water from the River.)
Remark : Biggest part blends in Whyte & Mackay's blends.
Price (in Danish kr. 70cl. : ?,- )


Testet : Yes – Comming up…
After taste : Weird orange !
Remark : from /
price (June `97): Dkr 350.- (in Germany. DM 30.-)
Taste: sublime!
Aftertaste: Strong, full, mellow.
Status: Highly underestimated!
Ja… ja… det er en tynd side… "Men denne whisky har ikke særlig høj priotet…"

Dalmore Whisky label.

Dallas Dhu

Dallas Dhu 10 years old - label

Dallas Dhu

Location : Findhorn, Forres, Morrayshire.
East of an unclassified road which forks south of the A940 on the southern outskirts of Forres.
Region : Morrayshire
Country : Scotland
Type : Malt – Highland Speyside.
Distillery :  Dallas Dhu Distillery
Mannachie Road, Forres, Morayshire IV36 0RR
Phone : ?
Distillery closed in 1983 but can be reinstated.
Visitors : (There is a living museum under the stewardship of historic Scotland.)
Phone : 01309-676548
April to September from 09.30 to 18.30 (6.30 pm), last admission at 18.00 – Sunday 14.00 to 18.30.
October to Marts from 09.30 to 16.30, last admission at 16.00. Sunday 14.00 to 18.30
Closed Thu PM and Friday.
(Visitors per year : 18.000)
Founded : 1899 (No longer licensed)
Owner : United Distillers (in the care of historic Scotland)
Producer  :  ?
Water : Altyre Burn
Remark :

Dallas Dhu :

They used ex-bourbon and sherry casks.
The distillery had 1 wash still and 1 spirit still.

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
Originally to be called Dallasmore in 1898, the plans for the new distillery, designed by local Elgin architect Charles Doig, caused much correspondence in the local paper, the Forres Gazette. This included some verses from a local councillor. The fillings were eventually advertised as Dallas Dhu in November 1899, when it came on stream. One of several distilleries on the estate of the local laird, Alexander Edward, who in 1900 sold the distillery to the proprietors of Roderick Dhu, a whisky brand popular at the turn of the last century.
The stillhouse was burned down on 9 April, 1939 and it did not re- open until 1947. It closed in 1983 and the licence was cancelled in 1992. The distillery buildings were handed over by Scottish Malt Distillers to the Historic Buildings and Monuments department of the Scottish Office who now run them as a model example of a distillery on the tourist trail.
It is still possible to obtain special bottlings from old casks, although supplies of the whisky are now dwindling all the time. Dallas Dhu is a perfectly preserved example of what a small Highland distillery would have been like at the turn of the century. Had its water supply been more plentiful, it is most likely that the distillery would have been one of the ones chosen for expansion in recent years.
As it is, its single pair of old stills has been preserved, as have all the old plant and machinery and the fine old distillery buildings.
Built in a hollow to the east of an unclassified road which forks south of the A940 on the southern outskirts of Forres.
Water from the Altyre Burn (known locally as the Scourie Burn).

Dallas Dhu Bottlings

Dallas Dhu bottling
  Dallas Dhu 10 years old - label
Age : 10 years old.
Vol : 42%
Type : Single Highland Malt
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Sorry no Dallas Dhu remarks at present time.

Dallas Dhu bottling
Dallas Dhu 12 years old  
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Type : Single Highland
Price ?
Taste : ?
Remark : Also available as Connoisseurs Choice from the 1971 distilling.

Dallas Dhu Highland Speyside – Malt. Highland Dallas Dhu Distillery (Findhorn)
Dallas Dhu 18 years old Single Highland Highland 18 1974 Dallas Dhu Distillery 60,8 Signatory bottling.
Dallas Dhu 1969 Single Highland Highland 1969 Dallas Dhu Distillery 40 Gordon & MacPhail bottling.
Dallas Dhu 1971 Single Highland Highland 1971 Dallas Dhu Distillery 40 "Dallas Dhu is gaelic for Black water valley. The distillery ceased production in the early 80s. Available in 70cl and 5cl bottles. Gordon & MacPhail bottling." Dallas Dhu 1974 Single Highland Highland 1974 Dallas Dhu Distillery 40 Gordon & MacPhail bottling.
Dallas Dhu 20 years old Single Highland Highland 20 Dallas Dhu Distillery 43 Blackadder International bottling.
Dallas Dhu 24 years old Single Highland Highland 24 Dallas Dhu Distillery 60,6 United Distillers bottling.
Dallas Dhu specially selected for Scotch Single Malt Circle Dallas Dhu specially selected for Scotch Single Malt Circle

LINKS………. to official Dallas Dhu or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.