Highland Park The H logo


Location : Kirkwall Orkney Islands. Close to the Parks of Rosebank - Scotland.
One of Scotland's most northerly distilleries.
Sited on a hillside overlooking Scapa Flow to the south and Kirkwall to the north.
Region : Orkney - Highland
Country : Scotland
Type : Scotch - Island Malt (Orkney).
Distillery :  Highland Park Distillery. / James Grant & Company
Holm Road, Kirkwall
Orkney KW15 1SU
Phone +44 01856-873107
Fax +44 01856-876091

Visitors Centre :
Open all year, Tel: (Scotland) 01856 874619. 
Daily opening hours: Apr to Oct: Mon to Fri 1000 to 0700, Jul & Aug Sat & Sun 1200 to 0700, Nov, Dec, Mar: Mon to Fri Tour at 1400 & 1530, Jan & Feb By appointment only.
Founded : 1798
Owner : ?
Producer : ?
Water : Two springs nearby. / Springs below the distillery
Remark :

Highland Park :

The most Northern Scotch Whisky Distillery in the World. 

"At Copenhagen, where the vessel called after leaving Kirkwall, the King of Denmark, the Emperor of Russia and a very distinguished party were entertained on Board. The Highland Park was pocured and pronounced by all to be the finest whisky they had ever tasted ' 
(Sir Donald Currie, 1883) 
From the box: Located on Orkney Islands, one of the northern most parts of Scotland, is the Highland Park Distillery. Founded on this remote and windswept island in 1798, the distillery has for almost two centuries produced a full flavoured, single malt Scotch Whisky, Highland Park. Made from best barley malted over peat fires; merged with the unique spring waters of the island; and aged in cask for twelve long years that shape its rare and very distinctive caracter.
Other remarks Here's some rips from other site's. 

By the 1880s Highland Park had an established reputation and at one time both the king of Denmark 
and the Emperor of Russia declared it to be the finest whisky they had ever tasted. 

In 1888, James Grant, whose father was manager of The Glenlivit Distillery, became managing partner, and later owner, of Highland Park. 

Its product retains much that is traditional, even original. It has its own floor maltings and peat beds (the peat is cut shallow to impart a light 'rooty' character) and two traditional peat-fired kilns. During malting a little heather is burned. 

The Distillery 
The world's most northerly distillery was founded in 1798 by Magnus Euson of Gallowhill. 
Until it was licensed in 1825 it's production was illicit and Euson was assisted in evading the excisemen by a kinsman who was a Kirk elder and hid the contraband under the pulpit. 

The Distillery Today 
The Grants relinquished control to Highland Distilleries in 1937. Highland Park has been promoted as a single malt since the early 1970s and is currently the sixth largest selling malt in the UK. Its main export markets are France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong and the USA. 

Highland Park Distillery, on the edge of Kirkwall in Orkney, has more of an affinity with the West Highlands, flavour-wise, than with the palish, fragrant, fresh-flavoured North Highland group of malts. Highland Park is a medium-bodied whisky with a heathery aroma - in some bottlings this becomes very aromatic, like a barber's shop - and dry, peaty notes. The flavour combines heather-honey with spice and almonds, and the finish is dry.

Michael Jackson says :

The Greatest all-rounder in the wold of malt whisky. Definitely in an island style, but combining all the elements of a classic single malt: smokiness : \L\1ith its own heather-honey acent); maltiness; smoothness; depth, roundness and fullness of flavour; and length of finish - lovely any time. As a single malt, Highland Park develops to great ages. In blends, it is said to be a catalyst, bringing to great flavours of the other contributing malts.
The distillery is nesr Kirkwal, capital of the Orkneys. Highland Park, the notrhernmost of Scotland's distilleries, is said to have been founded in the 1790's. The distilleries has its own floor maltings and a well-peated malt is used. The peat is dug locally, from shallow beds that provide a "young", rooty, heathery character. Some maltsters traditionally tried to achieve character by throwing heather onto the fire.

He gives the 12 years old , 40% vol. a score of 90 !!!

From the Whisky pilot by Uniqum Systems :
Built as early as 1798, Scotland's most northen distillery is set on the site where the infamous illicit distiller, Magnus Eunson's bothy used to stand. One history of Magnus goes like this. Magnus, who was a minister, was informed his church was to be searched by the excise men. He ordered the casks to be taken to his house whereupon they were disguised as a coffin. When the excise men burst in they found the family kneeling in prayer beside the 'coffin' - the mere mention of smallpox was enough to stop the men enquiring any further.
The distillery had several different owners, before coming into the hands of James Grant and family in the late 1800s. Enlarged from two to four stills in 1898 and operated by James Grant & Co. until 1935, when the company was purchased by the Highland Distilleries Co. Ltd.
Highland Park is situated on a hillside overlooking Scapa Flow to the south and Kirkwall to the north.
The water is taken from springs below the level of the distillery. The water has to be pumped uphill!

Highland Part distillery From the Highland Park Distillery - floormalting ?... A couple of Highland Park bottles The killn at Highland Park The Spirit and Wash stills at Highland Park Inside the Highland Park Warehouse - Highland Park Casks

Highland Park Bottlings

Highland Park
8 years old
Highland Park 8 years old
Age : 8 years old.
Vol : ?%
Remark : Highland Park 8 years old - remarks under construction
Highland Park 10 years old Single Highland Highland 10 1983 58,6 Gordon & MacPhail bottling. Distilled 14 April 1983.

Highland Park
12 years old
Another Highland Park Whisky bottle and Whisky Glaz... Highland Park 12 years old scotch whisky from the island of orkney scotland Highland Park 12 years old scotch whisky bottle and pipe from the island of orkney scotland
Age : 12 years old.
Vol : 40%
Price(in Danish kr. 70cl. : 350,- )
Remark : Highland Park 12 years old is the most known bottling from Highland Park
A light smokey whisky with a hint of honney and moor , soft and round taste.
Its matured on oak cask and exclusive sherrycasks - remarks under construction
Danish Remark :

Noget dansk reklame gøjl :
Highland Park, Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 12 Years Old, Orkney Islands
Fremstillet på verdens nordligste destilleri på de legendariske Orkney-Øer
"Denne Whisky kombinerer alle den klassiske Malts elementer på fineste måde'', skriver The Malt Whisky Companion. Highland Park 12-Years-Old dufter let-røget med nuancer af honning og lyng. Smagen er usædvanlig blød og rund. En uovertruffen oplevelse, der vidner om mere end 12 års lagring på traditionelle egefade og eksklusive sherryfade. Kort og godt: "The greatest all-rounder in Malts".

Total Score : 7/8
Personal taste: CPGIHTFSFRAverage.Remark...
Package/Info 06Pipe
Bottle 07Spoing !
Label 06Classic
Cork 07Cork and wood
Color 07Medium/Dark...
Nose / Smell 07Nice and soft...
Taste 07Medium, Nice and soft.
Palate / Aftertaste 08Lovely. Medium avarage
Price/Quality 08Best buy nominated /GI

Highland Park
15 years old
Sorry no picture.
Age : 15 years old.
Vol : 59%
Remark : Highland Park 15 years old - remarks under construction

Highland Park
18 years old
Highland Park single Malt whisky aged 18 years Orkney Islands product of scotland - label Highland Park single Malt whisky aged 18 years Orkney Islands product of scotland - bottle
Age : 18 years old.
Vol : 43%
Remark : Highland Park 18 years old - remarks under construction
Highland Park 19 years old Single Highland Highland 19 1975 52,1 Signatory bottling.
Highland Park 21 years old Single Highland Highland 21 1972 56,5 Wm. Cadenhead bottling.

Highland Park
25 years old
Highland Park single Malt whisky aged 25 years Orkney Islands product of scotland - label
Age : 25 years old.
Vol : 40%
Remark : As you can se on the bottle Highland Park 25 years old is great cause the bottle is empty - remarks etc. is currently under construction
Available as 1970 distilling in 70cl and 5 cl bottles."
Highland Park 1970 Centenary Reserve Single Highland Highland 1970 1995 40 "Centenary Reserve is a range of malts that has been selected and bottled by Gordon & MacPhail in order to celebrate the centenary of the company. Available as 1970 distilling in 70cl and 5 cl bottles.
Bottled 1995.
Highland Park 1982 Cask Strength Cask Strength Highland 1982 56,8 Available as 1982 distilling.

The highland park logo Another picture of a Highland Park bottle

LINKS..........to official Highland Park or related web pages.
Highland Park Highland Park
Holm Road, Kirkwall, Orkney KW15 1SU
Phone: +44 01856-873107
Fax: +44 01856-876091
Visitor Centre: 01856-874619

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