
altLagavulin distillery


Location : Port Ellen, Islay (West Coast), Argyll. Strathclyde Region.
Region : Islay, Argyll
Country : Scotland
Type : Islay Malt
Distillery : 

Port Ellen, Islay, Argyll PA42 7DZ
Phone: +44 01496-302400/250
Fax: +44 01496-302321
Visitor Centre: 01496-302217 (+44 01496-302250)

Guided tours Monday to Friday • 09:30, 11:15 and 14:30
Open all year round • Closed between Christmas and New Year.
Adult admission charge including discount voucher, redeemable in the distillery shop towards a 70cl bottle of single malt whisky • Children under eight years not admitted to the production areas
Tel: 01496 302730 to book your tour or Fax: 01496 302733 • e-mail:

NO PICTURES ALLOWED INSIDE the distillery.. so we are unable to supply you with detailed information and unique photos.. Sorry but.. Lagavulin onsite visit …x. Low AWA score

Founded : Est. 1816
Owner : Diageo (Old: United Distillers)
Producer :  White Horse Distillers Ltd.
Water : Solan Hill’s lake.
Remark :

Some of Lagavulin scotch whisky are stored on main-land and at Caol-ila warehouses…

(A Classic Malts of Scotland) – Also used to “White Horse” blends. 
A 16 year old distinctive and powerful Islay malt. It is deeply smoky and peaty with a velvety, complex finish.
From the book : Malt Whisky – A contemporary Guide – By Mr. Graham Moore :
In the twelfth century, Islay became the domain of the Lords of the Isles and saw the foundation of the clan Macdonald. The clan seat, Dunyvaig Castle, stands sentinel over Lagavulin Bay and it was from here in 1314 that over 1.000 Islay warriors embarked to fight for Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn.
By the mid-eighteenth century illicit distilling was well established on Islay. Farmers saw it as a useful sideline and for some, such as crofters and fishermen, it was the only living available when winter came. By the 1740 there were ten stills on Lagavulin Bay. These gave way to two fully fledged distilleries which had combined by 1837 to form the basis of the Lagavulin that the visitor sees today. The name comes from the Gaelic – Lag A’ Mhuilin – , meaning ‘mill in the hollow’.
Its history is inextricably entwined with that of its near neighbour Laphroaig and on occasions the fivalry has been far from friendly, resulting in more that one court case. Lagavulin was jointly owned by the Graham family and James Logan Mackie & Co, a partner in which was Peter Mackie who went on to build the Craigellachie Distillery and establish the White Horse brand. As an experiment Mackie set up the Malt Mill Distillery in 1908 within Lagavulin itself, and aim being to recreate old traditional working methods. The kiln had a haircloth floor and was heated by open chauffers fired entirely with peat. Malt Mill had its own washbacks but shared Lagavulin’s mash tun, and heather was added to the mash (Mackie believed this to be the original practice). The two pear-shaped stills were the same as those at Laphroaig. Mackie even poached Laphroaig‘s brewer to work on his new venture. However, if he was secretly trying to duplicate Laphroaig‘s product (Lagavulin lost the agency for Laphroaig in 1907) the experiment was a failure. Mackie’s family line ended in 1917 when his son James was killed outside Jerusalem, but Malt Mill survived until 1962, its maltings now converted into Lagavulin’s visitor centre.
In 1924 the company commissioned a small coaster to transport barley, coal and empty casks from Glasgow to Lagavulin and deliver the whisky to the mainland. The SS Pibroch (a pibroch is a phrasem usually a lament, played on the bagpipes) remained in service for almost 30 years and also served Caol Ila and Talisker distilleries. On two separate occasions in 1937 the little puffer was called upon to rescue crewmen from Fleetwood trawlers which had run aground, earning her the nickname ‘the Fleetwood lifeboat’.
Inset into a wall of the distillery building is a gravestone. It was intended as a headstone for the grave of a local man, buried on the nearby island of Texa. The stone never mad it to the island however, as when it was being loaded onto the boat a chain snapped, and the superstitious boatman took this as an omen and refused to make the crossing. The distillery has remained a memorial to him ever since.
Lagavulin is virtually a statement of the Islay character and many factors are held to be influential on the spirit, from the larch washbacks to the particularly steep angle of the lyne arms atop the still. Peter Mackie attributed its flavour to the burns which supply the distillery’s water and which fall over almost 100 waterfalls on their way down the peat-covered slopes of Beinn Sholum. It is pungent and assertive and, at 16 years old, quite a good age for a standard bottling. Time, as it says on the label, takes out the fire but leaves in the warmth.

Lagavulin distillery Another Lagavulin picture of the distillery The lagavulin distillery - drawing
Site made by (Alternative Whisky Academy)



alt Nice picture of the lagavulin bottle with glass Another picture of the lagavulin bottle Lagavulin in open air Another picture of the lagavulin bottle
Age : 16 years old.
Vol : 43%
Type : Islay Malt
Price (Approx in Danish kr. 70cl. : 450,- )
16 years old Malt (43%) á kr. 425,00 Bernina Vinhandel ApS
Taste : Distinctive and powerful Islay malt. It is deeply smoky and peaty with a velvety, complex finish
Remark : You either love it or hate it…
Some may even have to learn how to enjoy this very special whisky.
It is very smooth – but it has a VERY strong and powerfull palate.
Danish Remark : HT : “Glimrende whisky…..den er lettere overset, og kendes kun af virkelige kendere – guld værd.” 
GI : Hmmm.. er man til Whisky med megen krop, er Lagavulin en whisky for dig. Den har en kraftig duft og eftersmag af eg/jod/tjære/harpiks. Den nærmest smelter lige når man indtager de, mendens eftersmagen ligger meget længe i smagsløgene. 
Vi har fået disse kommentarer om Lagavulin : Den smager af “Røget sild” og en nævnte “Saddeltasker”. !!! 🙂
Hvad søren “CP” har fået smag for Lagavulin… 🙂 Tilykke.
Tested :  Yes
Total Score : 4/5 going up ! 🙂 
Personal taste: CP GI HT FS FR Average Remark…
Package/Info 04 04       04 Green (Gaaaab kedelig = Skal heldigvis ikke drikkes….)
Bottle 06 06       06 Standard whisky bottle with “Isla 1816”
Label 07 04       05,50 !
Prop ? Metal/Kork/ Wood.  08 07       07,50 Kork with wood-top.
Color   08       08 Dark brown….
Smell   07       07 Smell : Malt / Smokey
Taste   07       07 Taste : Malt / Smokey
Aftertaste   08       08 After taste : Very Long Smokey/Oak/? 
CP : Vold røget !!!
Price/Quality   07       07  

Lagavulin 16 Years 70CL 43,00 425.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Lagavulin, 2.wood Distillers Edition 1988 70CL 43,00 565.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel
Lagavulin, 2.wood Distillers Edition bottl. 1996 1980 70CL 43,00 udsolgt hos Juuls Vinhandel
Lagavulin 12y. 70CL 57,80 645.00 hos Juuls Vinhandel

Lagavulin bottle .... Another Lagavulin label.

LINKS………. to official Lagavulin Scotch Islay Malt Whisky or related web pages.
URL : None at present time.

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